Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

That’s correct. CMYK has a limited range. However, this should also apply to boxes as well since they get printed just like magazines. So, if a box can display a certain color, so can a magazine.

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Ohh thought the second image was the otherside of the flyer, my bad.

Amazing! I have a question regarding the Post-CRT scanlines. Since certain cores like PSX change resolution depending on content (such as bios), is it worth using this setting even if i am using the native core res?

Also, do they look any different than the standard scanlines?

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If the crt shader has visible scanlines, then you won’t want to add the extra scanlines on top as you will get artifacts where the extra scanlines go on top of the others.

The scanlines are straight across, with no curvature to avoid artifacts, they don’t have any scanline dynamics (like variable thickness). At 4k I find 480p content to look good with guest venom and interlace mode 0, but if you set it to interlace mode 3 the scanlines disappear and then you can add on the post-crt scanlines

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Wow… not only the bottom cropping/overscan option is fixed, you also added the fixed resolution scanlines option i asked for. Both in the same update.

Talk about Hyperspace delivering the goods.



Holy buckets! Did you just decide to go without sleep for a couple days? Amazing updates.

Not that it compares, but…


Mmmmmmmmmm sort of?

Same as screens can vary wildly in color representation, print can too:

  • Screens themselves have different appearances due to the type of glass, surface glossiness, and the like; paper has different color, reflectivity, and ink absorption, so thick cardstock like a game box will look different from thinner, more translucent magazine stock even with the same inks, including the varnish that makes 'em shiny.

  • Both phosphors and liquid crystals differ in brightness and persistence depending on how they’re made; each color of ink (including black) can look different depending on brand, age, and even viscosity of the mix due to environmental factors during print.

  • Beam convergence and TVL matter for clarity and color fidelity in finer details; printing plate registration (alignment) tolerances and different dot densities can affect fine details similarly.

  • Some LCDs use more than just three colors, adding yellow or white to get better color fidelity. Large print runs are likely to add more inks for better color and clarity – half-density colors like grey, intermediates like orange and green, “spot colors” for metallics, neons, and brand-specific colors.

Of course, this all assumes the color profiles are kept consistent through each stage of production, a lofty goal that has broken stronger hearts than ours. Considering that I’ve seen game magazines with screenshots where the green and blue were reversed (to be fair, that’s from an ancient EGM) or where the screenshots look different across two pages on the same spread, I’d say it’s a small miracle if the colors between magazine and box actually do match!

tl;dr: Matching gamuts for magazine and box print? Maybe possibly approximately yes-ish depending on one’s tolerances, just like with monitors.

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I just fired up Batman on my composite NES and CRT and he’s definitely purple, but it’s a royal purple rather than lavender. I tried to take a picture, but my camera made him look much bluer than reality >.<



@HyperspaceMadness Fantastic. I love having the CRT lines on higher resolutions. My only suggesting would be adding an option for opacity on the dark lines if possible. If I could dim or blur the lines a little I could get away with not have integer scaling on and have a larger image. It looks great on Vagrant Story upscaled 4x.

@hunterk Thank you for looking it up. I’m jealous and need to get a CRT. I opened a bunch of games with blue skies and many are just blue, but some have a purplish shade. Was that intentional or where the displays they developed on showing a different shade of blue? It’s hard to imagine why Super Mario Brother’s would have a blue sky in world 1-1. The back of the boxes usually show blue skies but that’s all marketing material that is prone to post adjustment. Again, it’s fun to speculate.

Thanks for the suggestion! I had thought about this too, but I’m concerned about hitting the parameter limit (this is a regular battle to keep under the parameter limit as stuff is added). I do think it’s a good idea though, so I’ll see what I can do. If we had an opacity value for it, then we could have default value for the number of scanlines like 240.

Yeah, it’s hard to say. I’ll try to fire up some SMB1 and take a look. I’ve always thought of it as blue, but it’s a surprisingly contentious topic, and there’s some weird old quote from Miyamoto saying:

“At that time, you could only have about 3 colors for the blue sky, on the Family Computer. It took me a while to decide which one I would use, and eventually I picked the purplish one. I felt that purple had the depth of nature. I was really into that.”

For Zelda II, our old pal Nintendo Power has it as blue, but it sure looks to be the same shade as the SMB1 sky in your pic, and the grass looks bluer than it probably should in the NP shots, so who knows.

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First, thanks for this incredible shader HyperspaceMadness, it’s wonderful… I came here to ask if it is possible to add an option to do an automatic “on the fly” crop overscan, there are a lot of games which doesn’t scale well, leaving black bars, I know we can change it per game, but Zelda II for example has black bars in the overworld and don’t have it in other areas, I don’t now if such thing would be possible, but it doens’t hurt to ask.

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You’re in luck, the cropping controls in the shader should do what you are looking for :slight_smile:

Edit: OK I juse re-read what you’re asking, and this kind of thing cropping at one time and not another based on what is going on in the screen would probably not be practical to implement

It would be technically possible to do this, by checking for black pixels, it could have dodgy results based on the content, and might also slow down the shader. Might be worth testing though

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Thank you for you answer! I asked it because the Dr-Venom shader did that if i’m not mistaken, and as your shader uses Dr-Venom as base I tought it shouldn’t be so hard to implement(for you of course, I don’t understand a thing)! But thank you anyway!

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I’ll take a look at this, I didn’t realize it did something like this…


I agree with you, blue batman looks better than purple batman but unfortunately, his true color IS probably purple for non-Sony TVs. If you use MESEN + RAW + nes-color-decoder+pixellate.slangp, you can get an accurate color representation.

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Heresy! Batman on the NES was always purple. NECA even released a purple figure!


Just to make sure we are talking about the same thing, are these the black bars you are talking about? image

I looked into the guest shader scaling. What I found that might be what you are thinking of is smart scale mode 3 on guest-sm which is called 3:Overscan Y Integer Scaling what this does is uses the next integer multiple up for the y axis, so the image stretches off the screen vertically and the horizontal axis is not affected. So this is not actually looking at the screen image content to determine scaling or cropping.

I think the likelihood of this being a solid feature unsure since it needs to look at the current image to determine which areas remain black, and probably we’d need to check over time so you don’t have the screen jumping shrinking and expanding. A situation where this could happen is if the background is black and the top visible tree in the background was on the screen then stepped off the screen.

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Looking for a little input on the “Night” versions project I have had plans for. Please keep in mind that these are meant to be viewed at full screen in a dark room.


Does the new gamma parameter effect the game screen also or just the image?


Automatic overscan options never worked properly in any emulator/plugin AFAIK. It’s always something that you will have to handle manually in a per-game basis.

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