Duimon - HSM Mega Bezel Graphics and Presets - Feedback and Updates

For your enjoyment All!!

Power is ON!


In case anyone is using the RA overlays, I have added the Nintendo Wii!


New one here, by request!

Super Famicom.

I took the usual liberties with object placement to make things a little more interesting. :grin:

edit: I just noticed something that needs fixing. I will update very soon.


OK…all better. :upside_down_face:

Needed to tweak some object placement.

Repo has been updated.


I’m not OCD… I’m CDO. (The letters are alphabetical, as they should be!)

The missing ON/OFF text detail was going to keep me awake at night. :innocent:

Updated again! (Last time I promise.)


Didn’t want any bad feelings between my ROMs, (You know how they can get. :wink:)

Nintendo SNES!


I have a request : could you do the European SNES version ? It is the same as the japanese version but with “Super Nintendo” instead of “Super Famicom”. :smiley:

This is the best I could do with the space. If it meets your approval I can add it as a Super Famicom Alternate.


I love it ! Thanks !

Cool. I’ll add it to the repo when I get home.:slight_smile:

OK. Super Famicom alternate is in the repo!

And… continuing along the Nintendo path…

NES! (And alternate for those that prefer less color :face_with_raised_eyebrow:)


This one of the few instances that I prefer the logo version, don’t like the text lol.

Nice update!

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There is a plain version but I think it looks a bit out of balance.

This one was way more difficult than I thought it would be. I ended up making it a little darker that the real thing so my little highlights would stand out. :grin:

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Yeah, I imagine it does look fairly plain.

I wasn’t complaining about the logo version as it does look nice.

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Maybe a NES Jr. would look more visually interesting? It’s a top-loading NES.

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I cannot seem to find the Super Famicom alternate in the repo ?


Well, that is an oddball unit! I don’t believe I’ve ever seen an overlay for that. I’ll seriously have to think about it.

I think I’ll do something other than Nintendo or SEGA next, but I’m not sure I’m ready to start converting my MS-DOS to vector. (Doing a whole PC tower in vector is bound to take some time. :wink:)

Maybe something Atari.

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You are correct, I forgot to commit. Give me one minute. :grin:

OK done!


Pc-Engine/TurboGrafx would be cool, as well.

I don’t know just throwing ideas out, lol.


I have been trying to find a reliable and attractive way to color my RA bezels in Photoshop. I found a method that stacks 3 of my bezel groups on top of each other using different blending modes and transparencies, along with a color layer in the middle.

How does everyone feel about this?