External Monitor shortcut

Hi everyone. I’m trying to run Lakka on a PC laptop that had its display smashed by using an external monitor. I get the Lakka logo on the screen, but is there a keyboard shortcut I could use to make it the primary monitor so I can actually see what I’m doing to set it as my default? Thanks.


There is no shortcut but you can change the configuration manually ( of Settings Tab > Video > Monitor index) and change options video_monitor_index to 1 or 2.

Yeah. My problem is that I can’t see anything on the laptop’s primary screen to make that change. I did read that you can make that adjustment via another computer through a network connection, I just need to actually get my computer to connect to my Lakka box now.

Well, on the bright side, I was able to access the retroarch.cfg file via WinSCP. The downside is that once I edit something, it doesn’t stay after the system has been turned off. My default video_monitor_index keeps going back to “0” instead of “2” that I’m setting it to.

You need to stop the retroarch process before editing the cfg files or it will overwrite your changes with the values in memory.

Thanks for the responses. I don’t suppose a simple alt+F4 will do the trick after the initial boot, will it?

On a minor tangent, are you the same hunterk from SRK?

No, alt+F4 won’t get it, but if you’re accessing it over SSH, just use this command: systemctl stop retroarch.service and then make your changes to the config and restart by typing ‘retroarch’. Rinse and repeat as necessary.

And yeah, same guy :slight_smile:

It works! You are a life saver, yet again! You helped me out a lot in the SF4 mod thread way back when I was just getting started, and once again here.

I need to buy you a cake or something.

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My pleasure! I’m happy to help :slight_smile:

I am stuck with it not going toy monitor through HDMI or VGA and I have no monitor index on my menu. Games work but only on laptop screen my TV does show the flower logo tho. I am very new to all this and in all reality I am way out ta my league so any info would be appreciated. Thanks in advance

I’m in a similar situation.

There might be reason why this doesn’t work but could someone just tell me the key preases to change the video setting.

E.g right, down, enter, down, down etc

If not perhaps a few clear screen shots of the video menu or even a short slow YouTube video?

Thanks anyone who can help.

right, down, start, down, down gets you to the setting, then left and right changes the setting.

In the same boat as Kearnsa and Ddsnapers. When I plug the external monitor into the laptop only the flower is showing up on the external screen.

In the video settings there is no monitor index option

Am I missing something here?

I’m new to this and trying to avoid manually changing settings because frankly I have no idea where to start.

It may be an “advanced” option. So, go to settings > user interface and make sure “Show Advanced Settings” is ON.

Worked. So simple in the end.

Thanks mate.

I have the monitor option, but it only has auto and 1, and I only get the flower on the external. I really want it to default to the external