Good overclock settings for a Pi4?

I’m using a Pi4 with heat sinks (no fan) - I bumped the GPU freq to 650 and the ARM to 1900 (overvoltage 4) and found it worked well, but then I started getting heat complaints in N64 games.

Anybody have better values they recommend? Should I be focusing on GPU or CPU?

The raspberry pi 4 works well when stock. But any overclocking, whether on raspbian, lakka or some other is will need heat sinks AND a fan. This thing will not accept passive cooling, no matter how big the heat sink is.

I’ve been at 2000 arm, 750 gpu, and 6 over_voltage for a while now and have no complaints. I’m using heatsinks and the case has a fan.

This is pretty much what I’m doing, but with a FLIRC case. Works perfectly. Love the flycast core.

Hey you amazing people, can I please get a like? I have a question about the Vulkan build for x86 and can’t make posts.


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