Hey All
I’ve set up a RPi with latest build. Lakka 2.1.1 for my kids It in one of those NES cases
I’m attempting to use the GPIO for a few buttons, and as i understand, GPIO-KEY DT Overlay is confirmed to be in the overlay folder of the latest build.
Here is what i am adding to my config.txt
dtoverlay=gpio-key,gpio=26,label=STOP,keycode=105 # doesn't work
# dtoverlay=gpio-key,gpio=26,label=STOP,keycode=KEY_LEFT # doesn't work
# dtoverlay=gpio-key,gpio=GPIO26,label=STOP,keycode=105 # doesn't work
# dtoverlay=gpio-key,gpio=GPIO26,label=STOP,keycode=KEY_LEFT # doesn't work
Anyway, thought i’d ask if anyone has had success with using this overlay