Handheld Border Shaders

Correct, I’ll push a new release sooner or later (dev repo is public btw, I assume you meant the official Retroarch one).

I am also not a fan of the glow, so I am working on a way to make the glow toggleable through a parameter and I’ll propose that to the libretro repo.

But in the meanwhile your best bet is to replace the files. But I see you’ve already done that :slight_smile:

Not sure where to look then, I was checking here, do you have a link to dev repo?

This always points to the latest code, it is the same link pointed in the OP post (koko-aio thread).

Probably there has been a misunderstanding, since my handhelds presets are tied to koko-aio shader, hence they come with it and are not pushed as images to the handheld Retroarch section.

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Hi, i implemented power antenna and bugsensor emulation in my gameboy core DoubleCherryGB. For those who don’t know, these are little devices, that came with the games Keitai Denjuu Telefang and Network Adventure Bugsite and are plugged into the linkport. it’s simply a led that flashes when, something special happens ingame.

I uses the retroartch led api to simulate the led flashing on an overlay.

I’m not an photoshopexpert and wanted to ask, if someone could make a better more realistic overlay for the power antenna and the bugsensor?

Here are the pictures i used for the overlay over the mega-bezels gbc shader.

overlays = 1
overlay0_overlay = bugsensor.png
overlay0_name = bugsensor
overlay0_full_screen = true
overlay0_normalized = true
overlay0_descs = 1
overlay0_desc0 = "power,0.5,0.5,rect,0.5,0.5"
overlay0_desc0_overlay = led.png

Here are some references:


can you explain why the shaders wont load? i tried vulkan and glcore and neither will load the game boy dmg shader.

The libretro repo aims to be relatively light, so a GB Light overlay was probably left out intentionally.

I found a GB Light overlay in one of the handheld overlays folders that I downloaded.

After about 30 minutes of registering for these forums, between 2FA apps, email lag, and closing out a hundred pop ups, I finally registered just to say thank you for these shaders. They’re super immersive and easy to customize. There are a hundred CRT shaders out there but I haven’t found many others that resemble the handheld systems well WITH the border of those systems. Thanks a lot, I love this.


If anyone is having trouble with these handheld border shaders with them being too zoomed into the content, remember to go to your Video settings and check if a filter like Normal4X is applied, as filters will break the shader. Retroarch kept auto applying the filter even when I didn’t tell it to and it was breaking the shader.