This is a portable pack of various handheld shaders.
I made borders for existing ones and tweaked stuff around.
Main differences with what you can find in the shader repository (because of file size constraint there):
- Some borders are less compressed
- DMG ones have a dithering applied to limit the bending of the glass light effect
- some tweaking in the parameters
- new stuff not added there
Integer scaling should be OFF and display ratio on “full” to show the full border image. The scaling of the game picture is done by the shader itself at integer scale.
Go to the “Shader Parameters” and change “Video Scale” to the multiplier size you want to use.
GameBoy shaders can show some left over pixels when you downsize them, go back to the main shader menu and do “Apply Changes”, that should refresh and clean that.
GBA-x tries to replicate how Gameboy Advance colors looks like.
It uses VBA color profile (slightly more “ideals” than similar to the original GBA screen).
Use the darken_screen/gamma parameters for games that are too bright/dark.
DS-no-border tries to be similar to the original Nintendo DS.
DS-64-x slightly unrealistic border for DeSmuME core options -> screen gap = 64. (ideal gap between screens for many games)
DS-90-x for DeSmuME core options -> screen gap = 90.
GB-dmg-x is a gameboy shader
GB-pocket-x for the gameboy pocket.
GB-pocket-high-contrast-x diverges from the original machine to give more contrast in black & white.
GB-color-x for the gameboy color. Gambatte has an option to simulate the original screen colors.
Game-Gear-x is a Game Gear shader.
It’s possible you’ll see some scaling problems at various sizes because of the non-square pixels the machine uses.
Some games like Mickey Castle of Illusion or Prince of Persia were ported directly from the Master System and used an adapter to scale their resolution down to the Game Gear screen.
Most (all?) emulators can’t do the same.
You can try to change “Pixel Aspect Ratio” to 1.0 and lower the “Border Scale” parameter to get something playable.
Lynx-x for the Atari Lynx.
(For Beetle-lynx you can reduce the “Ambient” parameter to -0.01 if you don’t like the greyish black.)
NGPC-x for the Neo-Geo Pocket Color.
WSwan-x for the Bandai WonderSwan Color.
SVision-x for the Watara SuperVision.
SVision-high-contrast-x diverges from the original machine to give more contrast in black & white.
dmg-shader (Game Boy) made by hi-ban from Harlequin original work.
LCD shader made by CGWG.
image-adjustment-v2 shader and some parameters addition made by hunterk.
Internal scaling improvements by nfp0.
DS, GBA, GC color profile shaders made by Pokefan531.
Dual Filter Blur & Bloom by fishku.
GameBoy DMG / Pocket / Color / Advance / SuperVision pictures drawn by BLUEamnesiac.
Other pictures taken from wikipedia / wikimedia.
Other work if I forget any linked to Libretro shader repository.
Most Recent Slang Version compatible with most video drivers:
(vulkan, direct 3D, new gl driver “glcore”)
Older version of the Slang shaders with individual files for different sizes.
Old cg version made originally for open gl (now for the old gl driver).
Old cg version with the LCD v1 shader (for people with a non Nvidia GPU having problems with the LCD shader v2 from the standard version).
SuperVision border filtered with a crt effect, will work best at 4x and maybe above:
Old border background pictures (without lighting on the consoles but an effect on the glass): download
SixWingedFreak has made several color variation borders from Blue Amnesiac work.
You can find them on the bottom of this page.
Wonderswan Overlay for vertical games on a 1080p screen in landscape.
2015-05-27: updated GBA border + GBC border
2015-05-29: small corrections, GBA standard gamma changed to 1.35
2015-06-02: corrected a strange empty space left on top of the GBA border (seen only in 2x on a 1080p screen).
Made version for AMD / Intel. New slightly reworked GBC purple border as extra.
2015-06-04: Tweaked the Gameboy Pocket shader parameters and palette.
2015-06-05: made new borders for Nintendo DS.
2015-06-17: GBA and DS colors update from Pokefan531.
2016-02-18: added a WonderSwan shader.
2016-08-07: added Game Boy parameters made by Hunterk. High contrast version of the Game Boy Pocket shader.
Some preset renaming.
2017-07-22: added DS/GB/GBP/GBC/GBA/GG/NGP/WSwan borders version with lighting.
2017-09-07: some cleaning and fixes for GB shaders.
2019-03-04: New SLANG version shader pack.
2019-03-05: Replaced all GBA variations with an unique one based on VBA for CG too.
2019-03-09: Some fixes for slang GB shaders compatibility with the new gl_core driver.
2020-07-18: “Round dots” fix by nfp0 for GB shaders.
2020-08-07: Improve transparency in borders png (rescaling artefacts fix).
2021-03-19: Remade GB-DMG/Pocket/Color shaders to display the complete consoles pictures.
New shader for Watara SuperVision (DMG and high contrast).
2021-03-20: New Atari Lynx shader.
2021-03-21: Downsample Lynx shaders. Reworked most shaders size presets.
2022-09-30: New scaling method. GB resizing fix.
2022-12-18: Internal scaling parameter for all lcd based shaders, thanks nfp0.
2022-12-21: New borders for DS 64 and 90 pixels screen gap.
2022-12-23: New GameGear border. Upscaled some other ones.
2022-12-30: GameGear small clean up. Upscaled/Cleaned up WonderSwan.
2023-01-01: Remade NeoGeo Pocket.
2024-01-19: Added border brightness parameter from nfp0.
2024-04-03: Added glow version of LCD shaders.