How can i create a new topic? :/

Yes, in RetroArch. From the notification that pops up when you plug it in.

Stelladaptor 2600-to-USB Interface

I can’t find the words “stelladapter” or “2600” in any of our autoconfig profiles:

While discontinued a lot of people bought them from as they were also the only device at the time to support Atari 2600 Paddle controllers, although I am just trying to use it with a joystick. I have also used it with C64 joysticks and in C64, Plus 4 and other emulators in the past.

I noticed all the controller config files are inside RetroArch\autoconfig\udev

Would it be possible to create a manual cfg file to get this to work correctly, so the fire button does not associate to reset?

Yes, it appears there are 6 profiles (2 of which are udev) that include “input_reset_btn”, which I think is a terrible idea and we should probably remove for exactly this reason. I suspect your pad shares a vid/pid with one of these devices and is being mis-detected and mis-configured.

You can definitely create your own autoconfig profile and it should use it instead of the erroneous one. And, if you like, you could submit your profile to the repo for future inclusion.

I am a new user, but it seems i am not able to crate topic. Is there a problem?

Because I can’t start a new thread and can’t found existing thread. There is thread about swanstation have glitch picture (on every game)?

Maybe someone can help?

Hello, I can’t seem to post anything on the forums either, I just wanted to ask why Retroarch won’t ever save on the actual .dsv file when prompted to in-game… on Desmume core, already tried with 999 and Another code / Trace memory, it creates the save file on the saves folder but every single time I get an error.

A post was split to a new topic: How to VPN plus wireguard?

hi, i made account just now, how long before I can make thread?

@Derpmochump Please see here under “New Topics” section


Just here to get my reply count up :+1:

1 Like

I can’t find the post button either and I’ve been here for longer than 10 minutes. HELP!!!

@Christopher_Neff New Topics

As a new user you can’t create new topics. To be able create new topics you have to meet two of the following conditions

  • Entering 10 different topics
  • Reading 50 posts
  • Spent 60 minutes on the forum
  • Visit the site in more than 5 different days
  • Receive at least one like
  • Give at least 5 likes
  • Reply to 3 topics

These conditions allow us to remain spam-free, sorry for the inconvenience.


This system makes 0 sense to me. You are telling me that in order to be able to make a simple “I need help with X”, a problem I am actively having I need to jump through this many hoops just to enter the discussion and ask for help!? …Okay I’m a little beyond frustrated about this so can someone do me a solid and make a post for me with these parameters: “Help using multiple controllers in port one or easy switching” I’ve looked at about 12 different guides for this but every implementation has come up either irrelevant or non-functional. Ugh all I wanna do is use my ps4 controller, my Nintendo zapper, and my snes controller all in port 1 without jumping though hoops and reconfiguring things every time I switch games…

It keeps the spam down, and yes, I think it’s reasonable to have people jump through a few hoops if they’re going to expect someone to go out of their way to provide answers to their questions.

For yours, if you go to settings > input > port 1 controls, you can change the device index to the one you want to use right then. They can’t all occupy the same port at the same time.

However, in quick menu > controls, there is a “mapped port” setting, where you may be able to make them overlap on a core-by-core basis.


I don’t understand how it would keep spam down if you have full access to post in replies without going through said hoops as I’m doing now. A verified email + captcha is what most forums use and spam doesn’t seem to be a problem, plus that way it doesn’t alienate new visitors. As to that fix, switching the device index would require a full re-map of the controller each time. That’s the issue I’m trying to cut around, and the mapped port setting appears to be something that you need to map for each individual game which becomes very tedious quickly. Neither of these fixes tackle the root cause I asked about.

I assure you: forum spam is an immense problem. We used verified email + captcha in the past and had literally thousands of spambot accounts register per day.

We don’t have any mechanism for gamepad-specific remaps, and it doesn’t sound like we have a good solution for your issue, assuming it is: wanting to have multiple controllers accessible all the time with different, non-default core mappings applying to each one.

I’ve been looking for help for ages!tried to join your discord and I got banned I was trying to add someone in their because it wouldn’t let me post in the discord chat… so I’ll post it here

Was just wondering, is it possible to send roms to retroarch on my Xbox series S using a FTP server on android? I have managed to connect to my xbox through FTP on my android. I just can’t find the file directory I’m supposed to place the ROMS in. Any help would be appreciated thanks.

lol you picked a bad time send an unsolicited friend request. That is, right in the middle of a spambot raid. Sorry about that. I’ll try to unban you real quick.