How do I run "amixer cset numid=3 1" on startup?

I’m running Lakka on Raspberry Pi 4 and need to switch the audio output to the stereo jack each time I run Lakka. Where can I add this command to be run each time I start Lakka?

You can use the script in /storage

Hi, natinusala. How do I use the script?

Create the file, put your command in there and it will be executed on boot

I couldn’t find the file. So I did some research and it said to put it in /storage/.config/ It’s working so far. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

hi i’m also trying to have the sound come off from the jack output by default and not the HDMI cable. I’m using a HDMI2DVI and I can’t seem to be getting it to come off from my jack audio. Also using a raspberry pi 4. Would creating a file named with the command line amixer cset numid=3 1 in the .config really fix this? Or do I need to write more. How do I create that .sh with notebook?