How to compile Lakka with X11 and binary NVIDIA driver (pull request 391)

I’ve been trying this for days now and it’s beginning to piss me off. :slight_smile: Hopefully after some discussion here I can create a list of specific instructions for how to compile Lakka with X11 and the binary NVIDIA driver. When successful I’ll post the resulting Lakka image for download for public testing and convenience. My target platform is currently PC and I’m using Mint 17.3 (Debian/Ubuntu-based) to compile.

So far the basics are:

  1. Install perl XML::Parser module. Follow instructions here:

  2. Install git.sudo apt-get install git

  3. Download the Lakka source code.git clone

  4. Revert source code to before Real Time kernel changes.git checkout bd067b2db6a984857f841f08a70a8fc5537a8e69 This worked the first time I tried it (or so I thought), and now it doesn’t.

  5. Apply pull request 391.No idea how to do this; I manually edited the changed files.

  6. Increase the allocated Lakka image size from 256 MB to 512 MB or higher.Edit the file Lakka/scripts/mkimage

  7. Set the appropriate binary NVIDIA driver version for your video card.Edit the file Lakka/packages/x11/driver/xf86-video-nvidia/

  8. Compile Lakka and create a bootable image.In the Lakka directory: DISTRO=Lakka PROJECT=Generic ARCH=x86_64 NVIDIAX11=yes make image

  9. Write the Lakka image to a pen drive for live session or installation.Extract the .img file from the .tar.gz archive created in Lakka/target/ Use your favorite utility to write the .img file to a pen drive.

I need to know if these basic instructions are correct and specifically how to accomplish steps 4 and 5 (the exact commands to run and in which directories). Any log files, terminal output or Lakka images during testing will be posted here:

References:Everything I’ve tried so far (where this started): Pull request 391 (enables X11 and binary NVIDIA driver): Last commit before enabling Real Time Kernel:

Looks like the correct way to perform step 4 is to issue the command:

git reset --hard bd067b2db6a984857f841f08a70a8fc5537a8e69

I checked one of the local source files after executing this and it appears to have undone any code commits after the specified commit’s SHA. Can anyone confirm that this is the correct way to set the codebase back to the specified commit?