A little update on my gaming CRTs sideproject powered by the Mega Bezel shading powehouse. The new variation system leverages on five factors to deliver 56 per-screen combinations:
Connection cable: RGB and COMPONENT
Visual variations: ENHANCED (scalefx, mdapt), SHARP, SOFT, FAST (potato), MONOCHROME AMBER/GREEN/WHITE
Distance from screen: NEAR, NORMAL, FAR
Ambient lightning: DAY, NIGHT
Here’s some samples (view full resolution images to enjoy CRT details):
Monochrome Plasma / composite / Sharp @ Commodore 1201
Slot-mask / RGB / Soft @ Commodore 1080
Dot-mask / composite / Soft @ Ikegami htm-1550r
Aperture Grille / RGB / Sharp @ Sony pvm-14l5
The combination of different cable connections, visual variations and CRT technologies will deliver a never seen before variety, with some space for further expansions (S-VIDEO, RF, Monochrome variants, color temperatures, specific curvatures).
Some examples: if you like crispy, vivid, better-than-original smoothed graphics go with RGB ENHANCED. If you prefer a bloomy, softer and bright experience, choose COMPOSITE SOFT. If you need a realistic and modern sharp detail, try RGB SHARP. Feel nostalgic? Taste a MONOCROME amber, green or black and white experience.
You will find more details on the announcement post.
Can’t wait to complete this and release to the wild! Atm I’m tuning the setting for each specific monitor to feel more like its real-life counterparts. Time for some trial-and-error process… wish me good luck!