I can only start new topics in near-empty categories

New here. Thanks for clarifying.

Iā€™m not sure I agree with that.

From my experience, 99.9% of questionā€™s in new posts arenā€™t new questions. Why encourage new posts if the answer to the question is already available?

What good is a catalog of information if nobody ever looks inside?

If there is a need for change, maybe it is in the search mechanism, so that finding the answer is easier.


Just looked at the faq and it seems I have to do some crazy arcane ritual just to ask a stinkinā€™ question. Anybody know where I can find some goats to sacrifice?

I donā€™t know where to find any goats, but you can go ahead and ask your question here and Iā€™ll either answer it here or move it to the appropriate thread. :slight_smile:

Looks like I held my leg in just the right position to be able to make a new thread. Yay.

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