I can't burn the image to a disk

Hello! This looks very cool and I’m excited to try it out.

I am trying to install via CD. I’ve downloaded the 32-bit image file and unzipped it with 7zip. So then, I have


I’m trying to burn it with a program called ImgBurn. I’ve used it before and had no troubles.

However, whenever I try it with this, I get a message that says: “Invalid or unsupported image format!”. How do I get this on a disk? I would like to install it on my previous computer and hook it up to my TV.

Hello, those are USB images, not CD images. You have to use a USB dongle.

Ok, thanks. Are there any plans to release a disk image version? Using a USB dongle is kind of inconvenient for me. :stuck_out_tongue:

I can’t use USB. The machine I have doesn’t see the USB thumbdrive as a bootable device. Is there a way to put the image on a CD?

Older computers can’t boot from USB. There is a trick to get past this, however.

Burn PLOP Linux to a CD or DVD. Boot PLOP and use the arrow keys to select PLOP Boot Manager. Then, insert your Lakka USB and in PLOP Boot Manager, select the USB option. That’ll get you going :slight_smile:

I suggest using the size reduced version (small/ploplinux-4.3.0-i486.iso) available at this page: http://www.plop.at/en/ploplinux/downloads/live.html

Let me know how you get on.

I have the same problem, why don’t create an image with CD format ? what is the problem with that? do you have any solution with windows? xD i want to run this in a vbox, thanks!!!

I used PLOP to get a VM running this; same method as described above.

Could not get the PC to boot to the PLOP CD. Have no problem with a straight Linux image. Any other advice?

Thanks for the PLOP thing, I didn’t know about it.

I would like to add CD booting support, but for now I have more important things on the todo list. So it may come, but you’ll have to be patient. Unless sombody else want to work on adding this feature?

Thank you for your reply!

I do think that CD booting support is very important, because some users aren’t able to boot from USB, as I’ve seen from the posts above. Please consider adding support for this, as I can’t use Lakka until then.

I also own a small PC that’s not able to boot over USB. So I’m interested in that feature too.

The problem now is that I’m the only one commiting on the OS. And I’m very busy with other things like my day job, and some other major bugs in our tracker.

What issues did you have with PLOP? I’m assuming you burned it to the CD using IMGBurn?

The next OpenELEC version will drop BIOS and i386. However, we don’t want to loose these options. So we will have to support the syslinux bootloader by ourselves. This will be the right time to understand deeply how this bootloader works, and try to add CD support.