So I noticed that even under windows this TV I have here seems to be reported as 1280x720 as the max resolution. Problem is that’s actually out of range and it’s really 1280x1024@60.
So basically it kept saying out of range when it booted lakka, but I got it to work in 1024x768. Is there a way to force the resolution to 1280x1024 since this is native and will help slightly more with the resizing and look smoother?
I have no idea why the EDID is reporting the wrong resolution but 1280x1024 works fine in windows. I’d rather lakka work because I want to build a little table top arcade machine out of the PC and 19" LCD TV.
Basically can you force lakka to display a certain resolution or have it report a fake EDID? Even at 1024x768 it still goes out of range during boot then comes back on when it’s finished booting. This doesn’t happen on my other TV’s with HDMI or the other VGA monitor I have (which I can’t use as it’s broken)
Any help greatly appreciated. I’m a noob to Linux and I’ll be just left sitting here banging my head against a wall (well not literally I’m not crazy lol)