Just a few questions

Hello, I just discovered the greatness that is lakka. I just have a few questions about getting it setup.

  1. Im currently downloading “Comeplete ROM Lists” and putting them onto a drive, is this the best way or no?

  2. Do the games stay on the lakka.tv after ive scanned them, or must I keep the USB in at all times?

  3. I am trying to setup my TE1 arcade stick to get the arcade feel but im not able to push any buttons and when I try to configure inputs, it does nothing, how do I get it to work?

Thanks for all the help in advance, happy gaming!

  1. if you want to have them all, then yeah. If you only want your favorite games, you can delete the rest. Do this before scanning because you don’t want a bunch of dead entries hanging around.

  2. no, the scanning just creates a file full of paths. If you remove the actual files, the paths will break and be nonfunctional.

  3. Hmm, TEs should just work. You may need to go to the online updater and update your autoconfig profiles.

In order for me to update i need to be connected with ethernet correct? and for question two, you are indeed saying im ust keep my second flash drive connected at all times, right?

Im having a new issue now. I have atari 2600,5200 and 7800 roms along with a whole MAME collection. When I connect my USB it reads all the files, but when i scan it doesnt do anything, what am I doing wrong?