Just installed Lakka last night on my Pi3. I've got a few questions

I’ve seached and a lot of the answers I find seem to be outdated, so I thought I would just ask here.

So far i’ve gotten roms from the no-intro site like suggested for this. I’ve gotten my Dualshock 3 to work.

The questions I have are how do I get the boxart to download? Or do I manually have to do it? Is there any place with instructions for that? How well does the Raspberry Pi 3 play PS1 games? And how would I go about finding the right BIOS for it? I’ve noticed that a rom that I put on there as a test, and deleted it was still there after I deleted it. Is there a delete option somewhere or am I just overlooking it? I remeber it said somewhere last night as I was doing all this that wifi wasn’t supported yet. Is this still the case? I know the bluetooth is working fine.

[QUOTE=Auron373;42939] The questions I have are how do I get the boxart to download? Or do I manually have to do it? Is there any place with instructions for that?[/QUOTE]

Good question. I’ve drafted an update to the docs which I hope will make this easier to figure out. The updated version is here in in the wiki: https://github.com/libretro/Lakka/wiki/Game-Thumbnails

If you still have unresolved questions please let me know. I’d like to get that part of the docs clear.

Worked just fine, didn’t even have to run the updater before they were all there.





I got the PS1 on there going, although some of them are not working. Is there a recommended site for them like there are for the other roms?

You might post this question as its own thread in the RetroArch general forum, after checking to see if someone has already asked of course :slight_smile: If you do find out, please feel free to add that to the wiki or let me know so I can.

This is not the place to ask for where to find roms. Youtube is your friend. Simply Austin’s channel has some info. Also archive.org.

I took that question to be asking if there is a certain kind of ROM set (like no-into) that works with the PlayStation emulator, not asking where to get those ROMs.

Regardless, that’s the question I’d like to answer. :slight_smile:

Lakka’s Playstation emulator uses the Redump ROM set. I have added this information to the wiki at https://github.com/libretro/Lakka/wiki/ROMs-and-BIOSes#rom-and-bios-requirements-table and I suggest we consider the question answered.

One other thing that can catch you out is that Lakka only recognises specific file types for each system. I suggest renaming all your ROMs to have the file extension .ISO.

@Flipbug mednafen-psx (that is, the psx emu used on x86/64 installations) requires bin/cue.

.iso worked with earlier versions of lakka, but the internal database now prefers the .cue/.bin format for CD-based games and .zip for all others.