Koko-aio shader discussions and updates

This is looking fabulous!!!


The new vector setting is highly engaging and of course also works in FBNeo and MAME current.

(Major Havoc being a brand new merger of two Progetto Artworks)

I also experiment with this setting for the old backdrop games, however with less radical effects and by applying scanlines.

(oops, backdrop being broader than bezel artwork here…)

Again a lot of inspiration, many thanks!


When it comes to Vector Games, cores behaves differently, so to keep thing simpler and stay with the core defaults, I’d say to use HiresGames_fast presets for MAME2003+ and Normal for FBNeo.

  • Mame2003+: 1024x768 output resolution -> HiresGames_Fast presets (1x upscale ) -> 1024x768.
  • FBNeo: 640x480 output resolution (not configurable) -> Normal Presets (2x Upscale) -> 1280x960.

That way the presets should look similar and as intended.


The background image is upside down, how can I set it to be right side up?

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Quickest fix is to switch Video driver between GLCore and Vulkan

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With “Normal Preset” you mean the Presets-VectorGFX directory in root of the repo?

Yes, that.

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This is now interesting: In my tired eye, MAME2003+ is best, then FBNeo, then MAME2003 and MAME current being worst by far:





(with MAME(current) I tested both presets and the root directory preset seems a bit better)

Your view?

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Perhaps it’s just a matter of different settings, for example input or output resolutions? Could be something simple to normalize the 4.


Yes, 2003+ outputs at 1024x768 so has less aliasing, where FBNeo just 640x480; They both looks ok if not zoomed in IMHO. (and for a fair comparison, the screenshots should be 1:1, but they all seem to have a different resolution (?) )

I cannot speak for other cores, as I don’t know how they render the beams; what appears evident is that the bloom is not doing its job in Mame 2003 and Mame current; that could be indeed due to an higher core resolution or a less bright picture.; That could be probably worked out by pushing the the input signal gain and/or tweaking the blur radius by a small amount.


Thank you! Sorry for the unclarity on the shots: Identical settings and identical slangp presets, only the 2003 cores having the hires presets. Screenshots then just cut out manually in order to save space.

Its identical settings. Just switched the Core Association. MAME current looks bad in both presets.

It is like its output resolution for Vector games is really low.

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Exactly, also the fonts pixelate.

Mame Current now being an eye candy:

game-specific core options:
mame_alternate_renderer = “enabled”
mame_altres = “1280x960”

preset updates (a bit overdone for the screenshot):
IN_GLOW_POWER = “1.000000”
IN_GLOW_SPREAD = “1.050000”
BLOOM_SIZE = “4.000000”
BLOOM_GAMMA = “1.000000”
BLOOM_GAMMA_OUT = “0.900000”
BLOOM_POWER = “3.799998”
So MAME current can really rock vector games!


“neon” preset as a base?

What value you’ve set to “clip to white”, the new parameter?

edit: Nevermind, just noticed you lowered input gain.

Oh, you may want to check the very latest dev, as it changed the bloom code to better “track” thin bright lines or little points, hoping for good; vector games should benefit from it.


Hi @kokoko3k. I was trying to adapt my .params files from HSM-MB to Kokoaio. I’m interested in vertical layouts in particular. Thing is, many overlays use a “plastic” bezel, so the trick is to reflect over that bezel, but not actually display the generated bezel, only it’s reflection.

So, I’m not sure if there is an option in kokoaio to do that.

Also, some overlays have artwork over the bezel, like this Asteroids. My question is if the bezel can be drawn as “background”.

Thanks for your support.

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There’s no option to do that, so the images have to be (soft) cutted from the monitor frame with a gfx program, and the new frame color has to be set in the shader to match the new image inner edges borders (see stock 1084S presets).

The user provided image can be set as background or foreground; as a consequence the stock bezel would be painted over or under.

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That screenshot is already latest dev code. Compared to your eyes, I consider myself blind - but I really like the result! The asteroids in Asteroids suddenly shine in 3D, and I now also upscale to 1600x1200 - still much to explore!


Since my Retroid Pocket 5 is hopefully on the way ( :slight_smile: ), there’s a new static feature called Conditional FPS halver.

It halves FPS when they are higher than 49, so it turns 60 and 50 fps content into 30 and 25 content, and does not touch 30 and 25 fps content.

It can be useful to spare battery life or in cases when the GPU is not fast enough to render at higher fps, also the halved FPS have lower visual impact with smaller screens.

In my case, it allows my Haswell to run Flycast at solid 30 fps with standard presets.

This functionality requires retroarch > 1.19.1, so, you’d need the nightly builds by now.
To use it, in file config-user.txt, turn the line:
// #define FPS_HALVER
#define FPS_HALVER