Lakka 2.1 for Allwinner A10 Cubieboard 1


Could you please send a link to download Lakka 2.1 for A10 Cubieboard? On webpage for allwinner there are only links for Cubie2 and newest boards :frowning:

Best regards,


Hi, i hope, it help u

You can download the builds at


These new images will replace the a10, a20, H3 and Bananapi images.

Hello Perser,

Thanks for answer. Unfortunetly at there are no builds for “Cubieboard 1” :frowning:

BR, koozka

Hi… i booted on Cubieboard latest Armbian Jessie desktop and it was running ok. Do not know , but maybe it looks like the bug emerges after using Armbian for a while?or my cubie has some weird hardware issue.

pcb assembly