Lakka 2.1/Mayflash DolphinBar/wiimote mouse click not working


I’ve been having problems getting the system to see the “mouse click” of the B or A button on the wiimote once it has been synced with the dolphinbar. I’m running the latest stable 2.1 Lakka on a Toshiba laptop from a USB.

After I synced the controller with the dolphinbar, in mode 1 or mode 2, I can cat the input of the events from the command line and I see the controller movement and the B, A clicks registering, so I know I’m getting input from the controller on the system level.

I’ve tried to bind the B and A buttons on the controller to the “B (down)” in the input configuration but neither of these buttons will bind. I was assuming it would register as retromouse1 left click. The other buttons like home will bind perfectly fine. I’ve matched the index of the mouse to the correct device event.

I start MAME2003 with crossbow or star wars and the B and A buttons do not register but the crosshairs will work a-ok when I move the controller around. When I do push either of the two buttons it will cause the crosshairs to pause momentarily but they don’t do anything else. I’ve tried to configure those button events in the MAME config menu but they aren’t seen there either.

Any advice would really be appreciated.



This is one of the first Lakka builds with full support for the Dolphinbar/Mayflash combination, so you may in fact be encountering a bug for the first time. Can you generate logs and post a pastebin link?

To narrow this down: Can you run RetroArch in another operating system with the same settings and the same hardware? In other words, can you temporarily run RetroArch from the laptop’s native OS?

Here is the link to the log file.

I tested a couple of different use cases:

I removed the usb key and the dolphinbar from the laptop I was using and booted from a different machine and had the same results. When I run crossbow, the crosshairs move just fine but when I click the B or A button the crosshairs pause its movement but it never actually shoots.

I installed retroarch on a different linux machine and tested with the same rom and mame2003 core. I plugged in the dolphinbar and synced the wiimote. I tested in window mode and fullscreen video display and had a successful result both times. I noticed the crosshairs paused when I pushed B as well, but this time the shot fired.

Let me know if you need me to do anything specific to troubleshoot. Thanks!

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One reason I asked those questions was to help figure out which github repository the bug should be reported in.

Based on what you said, I am pretty sure this should be reported in the Lakka github repo. Would you mind starting up an issue with this same background info and logs?

I reported the bug in the Lakka git. I’m also trying a fresh install to make sure it isn’t any configuration issues. @casdevel The index 3 mouse was the laptop’s touchpad and not the dolphinbar, which I tried as well. Thanks.

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Hey there. I’m having the exact same issue. I can cat the /dev/mouseX device to show that the Dolphinbar is receiving the button press. The pointer works great in the games. But, no matter what I do I can’t bind the mouse buttons.

I’ll also add that I can’t get the mouse to work in the retroarch interface at all. Turn it on but no pointer.

I downloaded a more recent retroarch for my PC. In there, I can bind mouse buttons. In my retroarch.cfg (on the PC) it adds the following lines:

input_player1_b_mbtn = “1”

and so on. I tried adding those to my lakka retroarch.cfg but it didn’t work.

I love this dolphinbar, and I’m super excited about light gun games. For now, I have a gamepad in my other hand for my trigger, but it’s not optimal. Any one else have this issue? Thanks!

You can use a touchpad instead of a mouse but do not use for gaming laptop becuase hp touchpad not working