Lakka 2.3/Retroarch 1.7.8 on XU4 freezing

Is anyone else having trouble with Lakka 1.7.8 on Odroid XU4? I’m having trouble where after a few minutes, if I make a config change that writes to a folder (local or NAS mounted) Lakka freezes. I can still SSH into Lakka and get a command prompt. I can “cd” into any folder, but I cannot “ls” /storage and cannot “cd” further into /storage known subdirectories. It results in the command freezing. I can CTRL+C out of the command and navigate to /bin or /etc (any other folder than /storage) and it is fine.

This didn’t happen with the Lakka nightly from 9/17 (the 2nd 9/17 release), so this behavior seems new. If others are experiencing it, I’ll report it as a bug in GitHub.

Link to GitHub bug report here.

Decided to reload Lakka from scratch via Ether and download Lakka 2.3 all over again. The current image is still 2.3 / 1.7.8, same as before, same MD5. Followed the same NAS mount procedure as specified in official docs here. Problem persists after reload from scratch.

After a few minutes of running, even after starting from scratch, the device fails to load data from /storage… I got a better error this time:

Lakka:~/roms/nas # ls
Segmentation fault

Lakka:~/roms/nas # pwd

I’ll add a bug report on GitHub since I’m satisfied this isn’t me making a mistake and is occurring on a fresh image. Will update this article with the bug report so anyone else that’s affected can upvote.