Lakka 5.0 generic PC download options: GBM, Wayland

Hi, I noticed the following options for the generic PC download of Lakka 5.0:

    for 64-bit CPU / AMD, Intel GPU (GBM)
    for 64-bit CPU / AMD, Intel GPU (Wayland)
    for 64-bit CPU / AMD, Intel, nVidia GPU (X11)
    for 32-bit CPU

I was wondering if someone could please help explain the GBM and Wayland options.

I understand what Wayland is, but I am unsure of GBM and I wondered what the difference or benefits might be, between the two?

GBM = Generic Buffer Management, it’s direct to Mesa so no display manager, it’s the most performant, but can’t screen flip/rotate like Wayland/X11 (so those are better for TATE mode etc).

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Thank you @powerarmour :+1:

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In a nutshell, GBM > Wayland > X11