Lakka disconnects HDMI, then turns off. Please help me :(

I am so confused at this point. I installed lakka on a intel NUC dccp847dye. It works, but only for a few seconds or minutes, depending on how it feels, then it disconnects the HDMI connection and then turns off.

I have tried new HDMI cables, and connected to a TV and monitor. Both fail.

I have noticed that it works if i connect via ssh and turnoff retroarch. (so the berry is shown on tv and nothing else)

I have tried setting the video thread to off, and also set the monitor to one. I also updated my BIOS to the latest BIOS.

Any ideas? I have attached my log file.

Thank you all for any help!

(btw I am new to this forum, so if i didnt do something right let me know. Thanks )

[INFO] RetroArch 1.6.9 (Git c056726)
[INFO] === Build =======================================
Built: Nov 21 2017
[INFO] Version: 1.6.9
[INFO] Git: c056726
[INFO] =================================================
[INFO] [Config]: Loading default config.
[INFO] [Config]: loading config from: (null).
[INFO] Looking for config in: "/storage/.config/retroarch/retroarch.cfg".
[INFO] Redirecting save file to "/storage/savefiles/.srm".
[INFO] Redirecting savestate to "/storage/savestates/.state".
[INFO] Version of libretro API: 1
[INFO] Compiled against API: 1
[INFO] [Audio]: Set audio input rate to: 29970.03 Hz.
[INFO] Found shader "/tmp/shaders/slang-conversion-template.glsl"
[INFO] Found shader "/tmp/shaders/stock.glsl"
[INFO] [Video]: Video @ fullscreen
[INFO] [DRM]: Found 5 connectors.
[INFO] [DRM]: Connector 0 connected: no
[INFO] [DRM]: Connector 0 has 0 modes.
[INFO] [DRM]: Connector 1 connected: yes
[INFO] [DRM]: Connector 1 has 29 modes.
[INFO] [DRM]: Connector 1 assigned to monitor index: #1.
[INFO] [DRM]: Connector 2 connected: no
[INFO] [DRM]: Connector 2 has 0 modes.
[INFO] [DRM]: Connector 3 connected: no
[INFO] [DRM]: Connector 3 has 0 modes.
[INFO] [DRM]: Connector 4 connected: no
[INFO] [DRM]: Connector 4 has 0 modes.
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 0: (1920x1080) 1920 x 1080, 60 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 1: (1920x1080) 1920 x 1080, 60 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 2: (1920x1080i) 1920 x 1080, 60 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 3: (1920x1080i) 1920 x 1080, 60 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 4: (1920x1080) 1920 x 1080, 50 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 5: (1920x1080) 1920 x 1080, 30 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 6: (1920x1080) 1920 x 1080, 30 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 7: (1920x1080) 1920 x 1080, 25 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 8: (1920x1080) 1920 x 1080, 24 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 9: (1920x1080) 1920 x 1080, 24 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 10: (1280x720) 1280 x 720, 60 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 11: (1280x720) 1280 x 720, 60 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 12: (1280x720) 1280 x 720, 50 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 13: (1024x768) 1024 x 768, 75 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 14: (1024x768) 1024 x 768, 70 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 15: (1024x768) 1024 x 768, 60 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 16: (800x600) 800 x 600, 75 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 17: (800x600) 800 x 600, 72 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 18: (800x600) 800 x 600, 60 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 19: (720x576) 720 x 576, 50 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 20: (720x576i) 720 x 576, 50 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 21: (720x480) 720 x 480, 60 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 22: (720x480) 720 x 480, 60 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 23: (720x480i) 720 x 480, 60 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 24: (720x480i) 720 x 480, 60 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 25: (640x480) 640 x 480, 75 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 26: (640x480) 640 x 480, 60 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 27: (640x480) 640 x 480, 60 Hz
[INFO] [DRM]: Mode 28: (720x400) 720 x 400, 70 Hz
[INFO] [GL]: Found GL context: kms
[INFO] [GL]: Detecting screen resolution 1920x1080.
[INFO] [EGL] Found EGL_EXT_platform_base, trying eglGetPlatformDisplayEXT
[INFO] [EGL]: EGL version: 1.4
[INFO] [EGL]: Current context: 0x1fb4be0.
[INFO] [KMS]: New FB: 1920x1080 (stride: 7680).
[INFO] [GL]: Vendor: Intel Open Source Technology Center, Renderer: Mesa DRI Int   el(R) Sandybridge Mobile .
[INFO] [GL]: Version: 3.0 Mesa 17.1.3.
[INFO] [GL]: Using resolution 1920x1080
[INFO] [GL]: Default shader backend found: glsl.
[INFO] [Shader driver]: Using GLSL shader backend.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Checking GLSL shader support ...
[WARN] [GL]: Stock GLSL shaders will be used.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL vertex shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Found GLSL fragment shader.
[INFO] [GLSL]: Linking GLSL program.
[INFO] [GL]: Using 4 textures.
[INFO] [GL]: Loaded 1 program(s).
[INFO] [GL]: Using GL_RGB565 for texture uploads.
[INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
[INFO] [Video]: Graphics driver did not initialize an input driver. Attempting t   o pick a suitable driver.
[INFO] [udev]: Keyboard #0 (/dev/input/event3).
[INFO] [Joypad]: Found joypad driver: "udev".
ALSA lib /home/kivutar/lakkadisk/kivutar/Lakka-V2.1-dev/build.Lakka-Generic.x86_   64/alsa-lib- unable to open s   lave
[ERROR] ALSA: Failed to initialize...
[ERROR] Failed to initialize audio driver. Will continue without audio.
[INFO] [Menu]: Found menu display driver: "menu_display_gl".
[INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
[INFO] [Font]: Using font rendering backend: freetype.
[INFO] SRAM will not be saved.
[INFO] Loading history file: [/storage/.config/retroarch/].
[INFO] Loading history file: [/storage/.config/retroarch/].
[INFO] Loading history file: [/storage/.config/retroarch/content_music_history.l   pl].
[INFO] Loading history file: [/storage/.config/retroarch/content_video_history.l   pl].
[INFO] Loading history file: [/storage/.config/retroarch/content_image_history.l   pl].
[INFO] [GL]: VSync => on
[ERROR] failed_to_start_audio_driver
[INFO] [GL]: VSync => on
[INFO] [KMS]: New FB: 1920x1080 (stride: 7680).
[INFO] [KMS]: New FB: 1920x1080 (stride: 7680).

For anyone who may stumble across this.

I had 8 gb of RAM, which caused this. idk why but when i went down to 4 it worked.

Yeah, that’s ODD. Because I’m running with 8 GB RAM right now on my Gigabyte Brix.

But you might want to look here since you have dual HDMI ports:

As you have 8go ram please use the x86_64 build.

Thank you.