To start I have managed to get Dual Shock controller (Retropad w/ Analog) to work but I have to do the following everytime I start up Ape Escape…
Start Ape Escape, Get alert Game Remap File loaded. Game says no Dual Shock controller pulled in, enter lakka context menu, goto controls, see that RetroPad w/ Analog is selected. To Fix:
- Change Remap file, pick anything (I generally pick my N64 game remap file)
- My remap file doesn’t use the analog option at the top, so change it to Retropad w/ Analog
- Restart the emulator
- Once past the Dual Shock check in game of Ape Escape, load the Lakka context menu and load my game remap file. and everything works.
Why do I have to this every time? If my Game remap file works, it should get past the in game check…