Lakka issue with N64 emulation

Hi everyone,

I’m a Lakka 5.0 user on a Dell wyse 3040 thin client, Lakka flashed on the thin client emmc. The thin client is plugged to my LCD TV thanks to it’s display port, using an active DP to HDMI converter.

Lakka is running flawlessly with nes, SNES and Genesis emulation. But when I try to play N64 games, I’m facing a weird issue.

If the sound is disabled in the main menu, games are running without lags (Mario64, Mario Kart, Forsaken, Star wars racer and shadows of the empire) using Parallei64. Mupen is not working.

If I enable the sound in the main menu, it stutters and I’m facing small lags in the game. I don’t know what to do because I think that the dell wyse is able to run N64 games, and whitout the sound the gameplay is cool.

My video and sound settings are the original ones and I did not changed anything in Parallei64 settings.

Can someone help me going through that issue ?


Go to audio settings and set the resampler to the lowest quality.

Hi JHorbach1,

Many thanks for tour advice. I applied your solution, rebooted retroarch and started to llay to star wars racer and shadows of the empire and Mario games without sound issue and good gameplay. Then I tried goldeneye64, sound lacs came back with lacs in the gameplay. I tried again star wars and Mario games, lags came back. I rebooted, still same issue. The sound is still in lowest quality in the main menu.

I dont understand what’s going wrong.



I think I found what’s going on with my wyse 3040. As a very small thin client, the proc. and the motherboard are cooled thanks to a dissipator. There’s no fan. When I’m playing psx or N64 games, the first 10-12min runs fine, and after it begin to lag. If I restart the game, same thing. Only 16-bit or less games are running fine.

As my thin client specs are close to Rpi4 ones, I read that Rpi4 owners are facing same issues if their Rpi4 IS not cooled properly, with a fan.

That’s the culprit, tried on another thin client using a fan, and no problem.

By the way, thanks for your answer.

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It’s good you found the problem. Also can you confirm if you still need to set the audio resampler to the lowest quality?