While waiting for the new stable version for the RPi4 (2Gb), I decided to try out one of the new nightlies (32-bit).
Very pleased with the new Ozone theme and impressed with the new Swanstation core (provided I set it to software rendering mode - HW rendering makes most games stutter). Swanstation eliminates several graphical glitches I found on on PCSX-Rearmed (‘internal section’s’ on-screen score bonus display and ‘R-Type Delta’ text panels and stuttering audio after ship selection) and crashes (‘R-Type Delta’ after continue screen).
However, I noticed that the framerates on all systems… even 8-bit systems are somewhat jittery and is especially noticeable on scrolling games. This is a pity, as I would like to use the nightlies as my primary OS until the new stable version is released. However, the jittery scrolling really bugs me, so I went back to the stable version.
Are there any tips on resolving this and is there any timeline for the release of the new stable version? Thanks.