Lakka not compatible with the Raspberry Pi B+?

I noticed there’s no build listed for the B+ but I thought I would try to see if I could get it to load. I’ve downloaded the version for the regular Raspberry Pi and the version for the Pi 2.

Neither booted on the B+.

I just wanted to verify that Lakka is not compatible with the B+ before I spend anymore time on this. I’m assuming since no build is listed for the B+ that this is the case.

Hello, I have a B+ and Lakka is running fine on it.

The B+ would be using the same version as the pi zero, it should work… If it isn’t working try redownloading the image as you may have a broken download. Also if that doesn’t amount to anything, give the nightlies a try

Re-downloaded the image and it installed fine. Must have been a corrupt download.