Lakka on pi4 doesn’t seem to be respecting the Maximum Run Speed option under Frame Throttle. I want to run CPS2/3 at native refresh, but it sticks to 60hz unless I turn on Vsync + freesync, which makes the game lag a bit. Playing X-Men vs Street Fighter this way, I need to runahead 3 frames to get input lag like the arcade board on the pi4. If I turn Vsync off, even at 60hz, I get frame drops every few seconds.
The pi 3 does follow Maximum Run Speed very well. This + Vsync off + dispmanx video driver and the game runs at 59.630hz which is very close to native. How do I get lakka on pi4 to do that?
I’m running the pi4 on my arcade monitor with a 3840x240 timing line in config.txt. I tried the latest Nightly and stable - same issue with both.