Lakka-RPi2.arm-devel- image not booting on Pi B+?


I’ve downloaded the Lakka-RPi2.arm-devel-20150529173709-r21027-g43f71a8.img image to my mac, and I dd onto a 64G microSD. The card won’t boot my Pi B+.

The FS looks like this after the dd:

/dev/disk1 #: TYPE NAME SIZE IDENTIFIER 0: FDisk_partition_scheme *30.9 GB disk1 1: Windows_FAT_32 268.4 MB disk1s1 2: Linux 33.6 MB disk1s2

Is that proper for the Pi2 image? It will boot with a windows parition as 1?

WHen I power it on, with HMDI attached i see it access the sd card once, then there is no more accesses.

Hello, you downloaded the RPi2 image and tried to boot it on your RPi1 B+. Download the RPi image.

Yes, that did it. I was a bit confused because the photo of the B+ resembles the Pi2, not the P1 (the B+ has 4 USB). But it works, and this was the obvious answer. Thanks.

The Pi1 has many version : A, B, B+. The B+ version of the Pi1 has 4 usb, but is still a Pi1. The Pi2 is a B+ and has 4 usb too.