I have made several Lakka raspberry pi 3 setups for friends and I have Lakka setup on a full PC for myself.
I setup a system for one friend and his brother wanted one so I made him one as well.
My Xbox one controller is a 1537 model Brother 1’s controller models are unknown Brother 2 has a 1537 model and a 1697? model
On my computer:
- My Xbox One controller works fine (no rumble at plugin) using a cheap monoprice cable or an official xbox cable
- Brother 2’s 1537 controller works fine (rumble at startup) using a cheap monoprice cable or an official xbox cable
On brother 1’s raspberry pi:
- All of his xbox one controllers work fine (no rumble at plugin) using usb cable bundled with play and charge kit
On brother 2’s raspberry pi:
- My 1537 controller works fine (no rumble at plugin) using my cables but NOT using the cable bundled with play and charge kit
- Neither his 1537 or 1697 controllers work and they both rumble at plugin - using any cable
- My PS4 controller works fine using my cables but not the cable bundled with play and charge
It is definitely the weirdest thing I’ve seen in the process of putting these together, and it bothers me because I don’t know what is going on. My theory is that brother 2 has updated the firmware on his controllers and they are trying to pull more power than the Pi3 is putting out through the USB, but I don’t really have any kind of scientific data to back that up. We were messing with this last night and brother 1 wasn’t available for a lot of testing.
If it is relevant, my PC has a build from December 2016, brother 2 has a build from December 2016, and brother 1 has a build from September 2016.