Lakka v2.0 does not boot x86. Previous version has no problems

I decided to try a new fresh install on Acer Revo a r3610 (ION gpu). The previous version of lakka worked without any issues but I’m now staring at a screen with no signal from my monitor.

SSH is not up and I have no output on the screen so I don’t know how I’m going to troubleshoot here.

I’m running the Lakka-Generic.x86_64-2.0.img and I’m getting nothing “No Signal”.

Any suggestions? seems to be the same unresolved issue.

ps. I’ve been running LibreElec on this box for ages so it would seem there are some differences since Lakka is now too running LibreElec.

I am also trying to install Lakka 64 bit on a PC. I tried to install the same version as juicebox. Lakka 32 bit works fine, but when trying to install x86_64-2.0 I get the error

Error in prepare Sysroot : mount_common : Could not mount /dev/SYSTEM


@juicebox can you provide some logs please?

@mrcsbmr It looks like a different error to me. The system is trying to find a partition labelled as SYSTEM, I don’t think we are using such labels anymore. Are you sure you’re installing the normal way?

Yep, normal way. I created the USB boot stick using Linux Mint (and tried macOS as well) and am booting from it. For the 32 bit version, this worked perfectly well. But since this doesn’t support N64 I try to install the 64 bit version.

The full message I get is: *** Error in prepare_sysroot: mount_common: Could not mount /dev/SYSTEM ***

Starting debugging shell… typte exit to quit

sh: can’t access tty: job control turned off

When trying to boot live from the USB instead of starting the installer I get the following:

*** Error in mount_storage: mount_common: Could not mount UUID=ac471f6b-554f-4380-8bb5-4d4f3821014a ***

Starting debugging shell… typte exit to quit

sh: can’t access tty: job control turned off

I get this error sometimes when I flash the USB key from linux. Is it your case?

can you provide some logs please?

As already mentioned there is no ssh started and I have no output to the screen therefore I can’t get to the shell to do any troubleshooting.

I just tested the 32bit version and ran into the same issues.

I also tried this on previous machines that used to work pre v2.0 and most of them now fail.

I can’t run it now on my Thinkpad t420, Dell mini 10v or my Acer revo r3610. I was able to get it to boot on a Thinkpad t60p.

There are some serious regression issues here that need to be addressed.

Where can I download the old stable working versions? I don’t see a direct link.

I had similar issues with v2.0 but it turned out the default display output in Lakka was different then I was actually using. Have you tried connecting your revo r3610 using a different output to see if that is the case. I wanted to Use HDMI and had a black screen, turns out works fine with using VGA. So I made the changes in Lakka, save config, rebooted and HDMI worked.

Also had the same issue with sound, through receiver didn’t work, HDMI directly to TV sounds words. Just required some basic troubleshooting.

Interesting. You changed video_monitor_index ?

If you boot with, does it work ?

live video=VGA-1:d video=HDMI-A-1:e

You can get the different output with

for p in /sys/class/drm/*/status; do con=${p%/status}; echo -n "${con#*/card?-}: "; cat $p; done

Did you try to change audio device ?

I tried all the audio settings and was unsuccessful, the front headphone jack would work but no luck getting audio through HDMI when going through my Pioneer receiver. Worst part was i troubleshooted for 3 days before by passing it and the issue fixing.

As for the video issue, I will have to go back and replicate it and try your suggestions. I was having so many minor issues with audio and video I was trying just about every suggestion online until I tried other outputs and got a picture. I set the video_monitor_index to 1 for initial setup and that got HDMI working.

At the time I had 2 monitors attached to my Zotac Zbox, 1 using HDMI and 1 using DP to VGA.