Lakka with Retro 8 Controller adapter (USB to NES adapter)


I have the retro 8 controller adapter to NES ( )

But it wont work, dont recognize the controller. Do i do something in the input ? Have the latest Lakka on the PC i use.

Hope someone know :slight_smile:


PS. Sorry my bad english ! :slight_smile:


You need to do manual binding.

Settings Tab > Input > Input User 1 Binds > User 1 Bind All

then User 1 Save Autoconfig to save it.

Ok, Thanks … But i dont get this
" You should then see a yellow message with the name of your joypad appearing on the bottom part of the screen. " And when i try to map the key and it wont recoqnize the controller… =/ after 4 sec nothing happend … maby i do somthing worng… and i try the user 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 and 5 ! …

About the yellow message.

Is it possible you can connect to Lakka by ssh or direct access and get the output of (when you plugged your adapter and controller) :




Thank you.

Ok, thanks, but i didnt understand so mutch of it … But i test the adapter and the controller on a pc with windows 10 and all work there not on lakka …

I have the " SNES Mayflash for nintendo to pc USB" and that works greate for me ! That requnize allso with the yellow message.

Mabye i need to bay one of this ",searchweb201602_4_10037_10017_405_404_507_10032,searchweb201603_1&btsid=84fd8750-eb86-4bc7-9689-0cdc83da6226 " ?

Or maybe i need to wait to a update for lakka for the controller to work ?


We need to get the information I asked you so that we can help you.

If your device is running Lakka is connected by ethernet you can connect by ssh otherwise you need to connect by direct access. After that, you can type the command.

I suppose we will have to add this driver to make it work, but we need the information to confirm it.

Ok, thanks, I will check this out after work :slight_smile: And sorry that i am a noob in this lakka world :smiley:

Hmm, can i just get the files on a SD and lakka will requnize the files ? Or not so simple ? Or have do i add the files ?

First we need the information to confirm if the driver can fix your issue.

No we need to integrate it to Lakka (copy files is not enough).

I FIX it !!! :smiley: I just go to Driver - Joypad Driver - linuxraw <— cange that to linuxraw !!! Now its working ! Thanks for all help here :slight_smile:

Good to know that it is working with linuxraw joypad driver.