The problem that i have ( which i don’t remember existing in the christmas build from last year), is the thumbnails for games appearing over the text in the menu.
Another issue that still exists is thumbnails that don’t fit onto the screen, such as Sega Mega CD, and presumably Saturn too for XMB menu. I currently have my thumbnails for Sega Mega CD in the incorrect ratio, just so the information fits onto the screen. This problem still exists in the current 2.1 RC3 for Lakka, and i’m genuinely hoping these issues get ironed out, or at the least, the thumbnails do not appear over the text in the full official 2.1 release.
Since using RC 2 and RC 3, the lag for games such as playstation has drastically reduced, making the games much more playable, and also the menu is clearly faster and hasn’t crashed on me yet, truly grateful for this, so thank you SO MUCH to all those responsible