Launch script from Menu

Hi, is there any way to add a custom menu item to RA menu? I’d like to launch a system script from the GUI. I have Lakka setup in dual boot config and would like to have ability to quickly reconfigure the bootloader and reboot into other OS.

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There’s a third party core called libretro-bash-launcher that you can manually build and sideload into lakka that will allow you to run scripts.

The github repo is easy to find with Google.


This looks really good. Thank you!

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Alright I managed to get libretro-bash-launcher working. A few notes:

  • it’s easy to build no external dependencies
  • you have to run Run the script as if it was a game
  • you can add scripts to favorites
  • you can scan a folder of scripts into playlist with Manual Scan then edit playlist file to add pretty display names
  • if you add something to PATH in ~/.profile it won’t be taken into account here so remember to use absolute paths for extra stuff like ~/bin
  • launching scripts acts a bit funny because there is video mode switch when core is started and stopped
  • it takes quite a bit longer for reboot script to restart the system compared to when it is executed directly; the core even returns to menu for a few seconds before restart happens

Overall it’s not a bad hack although having direct scripting support in RA would be a lot better!


HI! can you make an step by step guide? I have tried to get it working but my lakka doesn’t recognize the scripts .sh and the core :slightly_frowning_face: I fallow the guide from the original github page

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Perhaps you compiled core on your x86-64 PC and then copied to your ARM device? Then it’s not going to work because of different architecture. You need to setup cross compilation toolchain before building. I don’t know what system you’re using it’s very easy on Debian-based distro:

apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu

And then build with

CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc make