List of S905 and S905X Android boxes that support Lakka

That’s perfect. Please feel free post in this thread as well as posting links to other threads or resources like that.

Work with tanix tx3 mini and correct dtb file :slight_smile: S905W soc

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I just received my NexBox A5 and flashed LAKKA.TV directly to internal memory. It works like a charm. All Hardware components are working fine, even wifi and bluetooth work out of the box. The Box is fast enough to run n64 emulation with Parallel (especially oot). Games with expansion pack seem to work a little choppy on Paralle, but i’m sure its all about configuration (or using mupen64)

NEXBOX A5 4K, TV-Box Amlogic-S905X, 1GB, DDR3 + 16GB, eMMC, Android 6,0, BT4.0

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Which DTB file did you use?

Sorry, my fault. Its the image 2.1 and i used the dtb files from the FAQ

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Perfect, thank you for contributing!

Hey Mark. Another device.

Got a T6( AMLogic S905X, 2GB DDR3 + 16GB eMMC from a friend and it booted. Couldn’t test further cause i have no wired controller, but using the keyboard, what i got so far:

  • Randomness of FPS and performance at the main menu. Sometimes, it starts and stay 60fps, sometimes 40. Not a issue at all, pretty usable.
  • HDMI recognized, but with no sound.
  • Wireless and Wired network working great
  • Some N64 games:
    • Goldeneye 007 started at 57 FPS, sometimes drops to 30, but is pretty playable
    • Killer Instinct Gold floats between 47 and 55 FPS
    • Super Mario 64 runs great, with 59 FPS almost all time.
  • Forgot to say: Lakka 2.1-Release was the version i used.

Steps to install and boot

  • Burn lakka to a usb drive.
  • Get gxl_p212_2g.dtb and rename it to dtb.img. Place it at /boot
  • Plug the usb disk on USB-2 port. USB-1 does not seems to boot other OSes.
  • Wait for about 40seconds to boot. Takes more time than the eMMC installed OS to pass bootloader screen.
  • Wait for lakka to finish disk increase and reboot.
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Hey everyone; looking to understand whether or not my board is compatible with Lakka, as I’m fairly new to the single board computers in general, and my first one (Raspberry Pi 3B/RetroPie) was a fairly straightforward process.

I picked up a Le Potato (AML-S905X-CC) from their official website, and handled all of the instructions fairly easily. Downloaded the image they list right on their website ( and flashed it to a Samsung EVO 32GB memory card (it’s yellow, for those not familiar with the specific names of SS memory cards). Plugged the memory card into the unit and looked to see if it would unpack, but unfortunately, I get nothing but a black screen.

The website could have an outdated version of LAKKA on it, or maybe I’m missing a step in between, but thought I’d post here to see if anyone has had any success getting this up and running successfully with this specific board. I’ve browsed the forums (as well as the general internet), but I haven’t found any “how-to’s” that talk about this board and LAKKA.

Any assistance/links pointing me in a general direction would be greatly appreciated, and thank you!

I loaded the latest Lakka (Lakka-S905.arm-2.0-rc3.img) onto a S905 MXQ Pro+ 4K

Here are the steps I took to load it:

  1. Used the LibreElec SD card creator and selected Lakka-S905.arm-2.0-rc3.img.gz as the image to write
  2. Copied the dtb file gxbb_p201_2G.dtb from here, renamed it to dtb.img and overwrite the existing dtb.img on the SD card
  3. Start the Android Box without the SD card inserted
  4. Using the onboard Android OS (which is garbage on this box) I chose the Backup and Update App, and pointed it to a dummy (empty) zip file.
  5. Plug in the Lakka SD card
  6. Press the update button in the Backup and Update App. The android box will then reboot and attempt to update, but since it’s an empty/dummy file it will default to boot from the SD card

Wireless and bluetooth work just fine. It recognizes my PS3 controller without issue. Most cores seem to work better than an RPi. N64 works pretty well if the resolution and gfx settings are set to low. Cant really complain for a 30USD box.

I will say that the heat sink on the CPU in this box was not good (just a block of metal stickied on). I opened the box up and installed my own and that seems to have really helped with the heat this thing generates.

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I have a s905x that won’t boot from sd card so i tried the update mthod from dummy zip and it got stuck, this is what the log said w try mount /dev/block/sda sucessful mount I: 1 keys loaded from /res/keys verifing update package E:footer is wrong I:verify_file returned 1 E:signiture verification failed installation aborted

Any idea’s might not have the right dtb?

Someone can help configure it the PHICOMM n1?

the following configuration: processor : amlogic s905d cortex - a53 ram+rom : 2g+ 8g usb 2.0*2

At the Forum,i just find S905-K1dtb.img , but no PHICOMM n1 use P230-2S so plese Someone can help configure it the PHICOMM n1?

thx a lot!!!

at present

n1 can use volumio ,CoreELEC,and the Armbian linux

Thanks for sharing this. I have an MXV+ box, it won’t boot from sd. I’m going to try your technique. Love Lakka got an MXV box running fine.

Can confirm Sunvell T95X 1GB is working great with lakka 2.0. Every subsequent build seems to be broken for me. Latest 2.1.1 build broke wifi (external bluetooth works fine though). In 2.1 i was experiencing lag when browsing thru menus

Since 2.0 is working great for me the only feature i’m missing is favorites option. Any chance for adding this feature to 2.0 base while keeping everything else the same ?

Resurrecting this thread. Tested Lakka 2.2 on the same device and

  • Main menu no longer suffers from random performance drop
  • HDMI has sound
  • Nintendo 64 games remain the same as my last report.


I installed this on a sawpy A95x R2 with S905w chip. My dtb. gxl_p212_2g.dtb. it uses the same dtb as a s905x box. It also can come with different socs some a95x R2s have rockchip. I installed entirely from dead box from the terminal in twrp recovery mode. I had no pc. I think it will work on most s905 variants. I used command cat proc/device-tree/amlogic-dt-id to find which dtb was mine

installed on s905x. working well. i’m very surprised! ps1 and n64 run ok.using an original xbox remote modified to connect via usb. external hard drive for more roms. i was not able to make the wifi work, tried all listed drivers in gui. i connected the box to a router with a cat5 cable. i will try to ssh to it sometime soon. i also tested 3do, nes, snes, sega genesis, sega cd, fba and mame… all working ok. the box is a mxq pro 4k. not sure if it has bluetooth, i think it does not. any ideas on how to get the wifi working? if no wifi, no problem… but it would be nice to have it working. thank you for having this forum and all the documentation!

Hi. I have an S905X2 box that is supported by CoreELEC. Does it mean I can run Lakka on it too or only LibreELEC boxes are supported?

it seems coreElec is just a fork of openElec. This two Systems should be nearly the same. So Chances are good that lakka will also work

  • Which S905(X) device/model : MXQ pro 4k s905x p212
  • Which version of Lakka : S905.arm-2.3.1
    Build date: Sep 16 2019 hided here :
  • Which TDB file ?

Is this S905 officialy still supported?

I have burned it on pendrive and stick to back usb slot. Boot from pendrive by presing reset button hidding in AV hole, and pluging in the same time power cord. Lakka is working. WiFi its not working, only eth cable connection work.

You need to use the Amlogic GX images now for S905X hardware: