Looking for a way to simulate composite blending for dithering

I’ve found that “ntsc-color” is not actually required for most PS1 games. Yes, few games look better with it like Silent Hill or Resident Evil. But rest of the games look oversaturated with “ntsc-color” applied.

But it would be nice to have it available in the chain as an option if required anyway. Just so you don’t have to load individual shader present per game manualy. It’s better to tweak it inside shader parameters menu though.

I didn’t forget about that shader for you, it’s just after I started working on it, I realized you use slang where as all of my experience is in GLSL.

I’m going to attempt to do a slang version, sometime over the weekend.

No problem, friend. Take your time.

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I saw some walkthroughs on youtube of silent hill with real ps1 hardware + scart rgb and framemeister - and the colors are pretty saturated with intensive black. So I found image-adjustment shader is must have. Without it colors are pretty washed out. Also I remember that alternative school was much scarier due to more saturated and darker image on my tv back in 00’s than it looks on the emulator :slight_smile: