Actually the black lines are supposed to be the scanlines and the white is whatever is behind them. Here’s a Rygar screenshot from the web that I layed my scanline pattern over:
Make sure you view that at the full size (1440x1080) or it will not look right.
I had nothing but CRT tvs until 2015 when I got my first flat-screen, HD tv. Honestly, I’ve never seen any effect that does it exactly right. I think that probably impossible. I’ve seen some that get pretty darn close but have expensive CPU/GPU costs which translates to expensive performance costs on the low-powered devices I usually use for emulation.
I still have two CRTs. One is a 27" Philips and the other is 13" Emerson. Hard to see anything on the 13" as it’s so small that even the scanlines created by my real NES disappear. I can still see something like a dot pattern though. On the 27" and the way I remember all other CRTs I had in my life (20" to 32" of various brands) I see a pattern of very thin broken vertical black lines when I get up close when watching video or using anything other than the NES. When I use the NES, I see that and the NES’s horizontal lines.
So this pattern that I’ve come up with over the years is the closest I’ve seen to a real NES on a real CRT…on a processing budget. From a healthy playing distance, it looks perfect to me, as far pattern goes.
Honestly, I think I could get by with a dotmask and normal scanline layed on top of it but whenever I try to use both of those shaders at the same time, they mess each other up.
I will try the shader/settings you suggested. Even if the pattern it creates is the white lines of my pattern, that’s still pretty close. Thanks for the suggestion.