Lost Audio over HDMI

I’ve lost audio on my lakka install. Using an ODROID C1. aplay -L shows ‘null’ - Is there any syslog that I can look at or a modprobe that I can run to probe for the hdmi audio device? video is just fine (over HDMI) and my other USB inputs are all good. I’ve added hdmi_drive = “2” to my retroarch.cfg in ~/.config/retroarch/ as well and have restarted the retroarch service. I’ve also rebooted the ODROID a few times as well. Any thoughts?

edit: Here’s `dmesg’ output http://pastebin.com/AmqLSakn

aplay -L showing nothing… I wonder why. That’s really abnormal.

Try to reflash your card/another card.

The reflash did the trick. Thanks!