MagicHat's OrionsAngel Mega Bezel MAME Arcade Setup - Pack 6 Out

If you follow the instructions on the Mega Bezel thread to get a log and post it, we can find out what is wrong pretty quickly.

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should beā€¦


The paths are relative so it is looking in the wrong folder for the reference preset.

About the screenshotā€¦ the shot aspect ā€œ841x915ā€ is a bit odd. What is the resolution of the monitor you are using?

Do you have the Retroarch video aspect set to ā€œFullā€ at ā€œSettings>>>Video>>>Scaling>>>Aspect Ratioā€?

Alsoā€¦ carefully read the instructions for the Mega Bezel on itā€™s thread. I believe you may have the Retroarch rotation and/or the MAME core rotation settings incorrect.


BTWā€¦ @MagicHatā€¦ Brilliant work with this pack!


Thanks a lot for the quick chiming in on this. Appreciate that! @retroarchgirl let us know how you make out after that change.

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Happy to see others finding value in it as well. I didnā€™t anticipate the amount of work everything would be but I was doing it for myself regardless so I wanted to pay it forward and save others the time and effort by spending more time packaging it up and documenting it for future reference.

Iā€™m hoping those guys over in the Vertical Overlays thread put together an all inclusive pack like this at some point so I can be on the other end and reap the benefits of a plug and play pack lol



  • Thanks! I corrected the path and now the error is gone!

But I still have a small screen inside my monitor (2560 x 1440 resolution). I checked all settings for the mega bezel and everything is exactly how it must be (including the core settings too). What could still be wrong now? Here is how it looks now on my monitor.

  • I also need to load preset Multigame.slang each time again. How can I make it load automatically when playing MAME games?

  • But I also have installed the 5 parts orionā€™s angel pack and copied all those files to retroarch. Can those file cause this problem? There are files in these folders copied from orionā€™s angel pack






  • I also think maybe my retroarch.cfg was overwritten because I tried many things. How to reset this to default?

  • More things I can try?

Hey, retroarchgirlā€¦ sorry if I missed this in your reply but did you check on Duimonā€™s suggestion, aboveā€¦ it might help you fix this one. Let us know how it goes.

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I think you may have an override that still has an aspect ratio defined. Try looking at the Retroarch video aspect settings when the game is loaded.

From your log.

[INFO] [Overrides]: Core-specific overrides found at "F:\RetroArch-Win64\config\MAME\MAME.cfg".
[INFO] [Config]: Loading config: "F:\RetroArch-Win64\retroarch.cfg".
[INFO] [Config]: Appending override config: "F:\RetroArch-Win64\config\MAME\MAME.cfg".

Temporarily rename that override (e.g. mame_OLD.cfg) and it should fix it.

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Thanks so much! I had to remove all cfg files from the config/MAME folder too because the screen was still small. Orionā€™s angel has made for each game a .cfg file and those were loaded. I now just have MagicHatā€™s pack installed and removed orionā€™s angel pack. Itā€™s working great now!

I still have another question: how to configure retroarch so it loads Multigame.slang automatically when retroarch is loaded? I now have to select it each time when running retroarch.

Check out this section in the first post here.

ā€” Setup a MAME Core Preset ā€”


This is the key piece to get youā€™re entire setup fully automated. Once setup, any MAME game that you launch will use that multigame.slang and tie in any customized one in this pack from OrionsAngels work. It also includes a generic cabinet that will auto load for ANY other MAME game that you launch that doesnā€™t have a matching custom cabinet from OrionsAngel. This way you have a fully automated system for any MAME game you launch that wil lload the MEGA bezel + a custom cabinet look.

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Thanks! I forgot that and now everything works. I hope you keep updating it with new bezels from orionā€™s angel because your work is fantastic :sunny:

Is it possible to disable the mega bezel intro with your pack and how to do this?

I got that covered too. See this section.

ā€” (optional) HSM Shader Intro Variations ā€”

Absolutely. I wait for him to release a new ā€œpackā€ before I work them in though. Iā€™ve done an update with mine already when he put out his pack 5 release. Iā€™ll keep this updated as we go.

Glad you got it working.

I will test it and report possible problems I find!

I think I found something strange. Some games without bezel are not completely covering the bezel area. See below wonder boy (left and right is a small black space)

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I must make new files CORE-ASPECT-ORIENT-HORZ_base.params and CORE-ASPECT-ORIENT-VERT_base.params and put only this 1 line inside? Because the files donā€™t exist now

You can stretch the screen to make it fit. Although this is the older version of the shader. The newer one has this feature too.

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Once the game is running, you can adjust the ā€œcroppingā€ parameters in the shader settings and save a game preset.

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So this can only happen with games having no bezel? The bezel ones are always correct size?

What do you mean : older version? If I install the mega bezel as explained here, do I not have the latest one then?

The _base.params from MagicHat uses Automatic Placement which causes the game image to rotate for some reason. I would recommend adding HSM_USE_IMAGE_FOR_PLACEMENT = ā€œ0.000000ā€ to the params file to prevent the rotation.

@MagicHatā€¦ If I may.

It is because you are using the overlay as the ā€œScreenPlacementImageā€ and the screen is not transparent. You are using one of the overlays that has the scratches and reflections. You need to use a version that is fully transparent in the center. (Or an image that is a Black & White mask.)

Here is using a transparent version of the overlay.

As you can see it is still not perfect. Simply copying parameter values from one params file to a new one is only the start. If you compare different game params youā€™ll see that @MagicHat has spent time adjusting parameters for each and every game that has a preset. That is why the generic oneā€™s arenā€™t perfectā€¦ they havenā€™t been customized.

A project like this requires a lot of timeā€¦ and familiarity with the Mega Bezel parameters.

It is fairly easy for me because I have been here since near the beginning and can just add new features to my existing knowledge. It is truly impressive how well these presets are constructed knowing how much @MagicHat had to learn before getting started. :star_struck: