Yes, it’s a pal console. Dreamcast can run in 60hz
This image is a close up mega bezel…
Looks very similar eh!
Yes, it’s a pal console. Dreamcast can run in 60hz
This image is a close up mega bezel…
Looks very similar eh!
Ah yes, explains difference between Dreamcast and Saturn scanlines.
The Dreamcast scanlines looks like this on the same CRT, and it’s real hardware too, but this is in 60hz.
Oh my how beautiful it is! But is there a way to recreate it the same with GDV Advance?
That’s pretty much what I just did, lol.
I think I’ve made everything as bright as possible without introducing any clipping. Some may want to increase the brightness a bit and find the clipping to be an acceptable trade-off, but I always think clipping looks worse than lower brightness. To brighten the image further, you can tweak the bright boosts, post-brightness, and/or bloom settings. You can also try reducing the mask and slotmask strengths.
You can find the presets here:
The second one feels more polished to me so i’d say that is crt
though the vertical scanlines maybe
The second has a very consistent look…which means it’s not the CRT
Yeh on the phone it feels actually that. Actually the vertical scanlines in the second image makes me think of that is the shader one on lcd, although very impressive.
I’m 100% certain that the first pic is the CRT and the second pic is the LCD.
That in no way takes away from how close the images are for all intents and purposes.
This is why I get so excited about @RetroGames4K’s presets. Finally, I can retire and just go back to enjoying playing games.
This is also a testament to how far the tools which make all of this possible have come. So kudos to all shader creators and developers! You’all have my utmost gratitude and appreciation for your hard work, dedication and most valuable contributions!
Cheers! Salut!
If I can do it with GDV then you can do it with the advanced too. Just use mask 7 and slot mask size 2 and strength 0.5 or so
Thank you, very kind as always
I think already made it, thank to all the community and for your help. Soon I’ll be making a pack, also wanto to ask @HyperspaceMadness if it’s possible to include it inside retroarch, If it’s not a good Idea, then no problem. I’ll make a pack soon, also I want to make another setting for Dreamcast/PS2 as well. that I will include when I already set it up. Here is an example how arcade looks with my Sanyo look alike setting…
I really like these shaders @Nesguy, if @HyperspaceMadness can include them in the pack it would be nice, also, if I’m to display them in 4k, what would I need to change?
Thanks, glad you like them! The scanline and mask parameters will probably need to be changed, I’ll get around to doing a 4k version sometime tomorrow, most likely.
I was going to say “but you have much better options at 4k where you can emulate the actual phosphors,” but there’s still a place for subpixel-agnostic masks at 4k since we’re heading into an era of exotic subpixel layouts.
Hi @RetroGamers4K - it might be a silly question given your nick too, but your future package also includes settings for the 1080p. also where will you publish them? Thank you very much
The setting is for 4K, maybe it would work with mask 6 but I don’t know, unless if there’s a way to see 1080p mask on a 4k monitor, then someone tell me because I can’t distinguish 1080p mask on a 4k monitor.About the packs I will post them here:
You’re right, I tried lol
You can try increasing the mask size and Slot Mask size and this will give you something which looks somewhat like 1080p. So if they were both 1 you could increase them both to 2.
Maybe a global multiplier would help to test scaling the whole mask and mask shift at multiples, what do you think @guest.r?