HSM_Mega_Bezel_Examples is updated to V1.5.0_2023-04-19
- Added Orions Angel Arcade example of how to use wildcards to get many backgrounds to load with only one preset
- Check it out, there are some example images you can load and test it out. Thanks @Orionsangel for your wonderful contributions to the community!!!
Go to the first post here for links to the package and install instructions. Please make sure to read the install & setup instructions
The following were done all with the same preset. The shader scales and places the crt image without any user input. The following have no adjustments on top of the default placement of the preset.
If there is no image for the specific game name it falls back to the default image
You can make adjustments per game with only your adjustments saved and no duplication. The following were done this way, see the readme for instructions
To run any of these you only load the top preset, all graphics and specialized presets are chosen automatically based on the name of the game.
Here is the structure for these examples, to add additional games all you need to do is add new images to the folder and name them to match your game.