Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates


HSM_Mega_Bezel_Examples is updated to V1.5.0_2023-04-19


  • Added Orions Angel Arcade example of how to use wildcards to get many backgrounds to load with only one preset
  • Check it out, there are some example images you can load and test it out. Thanks @Orionsangel for your wonderful contributions to the community!!!

Go to the first post here for links to the package and install instructions. Please make sure to read the install & setup instructions

The following were done all with the same preset. The shader scales and places the crt image without any user input. The following have no adjustments on top of the default placement of the preset.

If there is no image for the specific game name it falls back to the default image

You can make adjustments per game with only your adjustments saved and no duplication. The following were done this way, see the readme for instructions

To run any of these you only load the top preset, all graphics and specialized presets are chosen automatically based on the name of the game.

Here is the structure for these examples, to add additional games all you need to do is add new images to the folder and name them to match your game.



Awesome work here fella! This is what I’ve needed!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks @HyperspaceMadness for all the support over the years and letting me use your shaders with my bezels. It was your idea to begin with and it was a great one. It’s an honor to be used in your example showcase :grinning:


Thank you for this advanced setup option. I’ve been playing around with this method the last two nights to see the results on some games with orionsangel bezels. I know you and I have had a side convo on this but I figured it’s good to move it to your main thread now that you have it in here as well.

#1 - In each of the horizontal and vertical _base.params files, are these options below more or less tied together based on the values you go with?


HSM_BZL_WIDTH = “200.000000” HSM_BZL_HEIGHT = “200.000000”

For example, if you wanted to decrease the bezel width and height to say 125 for each, do we need to try out different values for that HSM_NON_INTEGER_SCALE_OFFSET?

I’m thinking that fatter 200 bezel might have been done on purpose to account for different overlay scenarios?

I’m currently testing out what exact shader parameters while in the game are the ones we want to start off tweaking when we do additional changes to fine tune each game.

#2 Is the point of the move of the additional .slangp file out of the /retroarch/config directory and into the \RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs\OrionsAngel_Arcade\CORE-ASPECT-ORIENT-HORZ (and the rename plus reference edit inside) just for cleanliness to keep all config files in one central location (shaders)? The reason I ask is because the individual game .slangp file that is saved in retroarch/config appears to work just fine in there from my testing as long as it references the Multigame.slangp thats in the shaders location. Just curious.


Yeah, it’s whatever you like, if you want a bigger or smaller tube you can adjust it. But these are the base settings, so you’ll need to see if it still fits the holes.

So any presets that you are setting up for use in the future for possible distribution or use by other people these presets should not be in the config folder. In my opinion the config folder is about an individual’s retroarch setup. These should really be ones the user has created. And if you put per game presets in there the user can accidentally overwrite them.

In an optimal situation the user ends up with a low number of content directory presets in their config folders, and have additional per game presets for adjustments that the user has decided to make.

Hopefully that helps explain it :slight_smile:


Really cool example pushing the boundaries of trying to show reflections in different places. This is leveraging the reflection mask. I’ll be working on more in this area soon to make it easier and avoid the reversing of the reflection on the sides in the bottom.

Thanks @p3st for your awesome work, and inspiring me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hooray! What a time to be alive :sunny:


Man imagine all the possibilities with the arcade vertical 4k bezels OMG


Yeah I feel this combination will look fantastic and give that extra realism to vertical monitor set ups :beers:


How to make the background black? I marked it with red lines :slight_smile:


Search for background layer, and set it to 0.0


as a said i move places in the future and will change my monitor setup this way in the new place …so i think i will do some vertical overlays in the future :sweat_smile: then i also have the time again in the moment its bit rare


@HyperspaceMadness I want to mention, I don’t know if it’s a bug or if I’m doing something wrong, but it happens a lot as I tend to save the same settings a lot in the same file. The thing is that when I save simple presets in the same file over and over, it gets a point when it breaks and you can’t use simple preset anymore and I have to start again (luckly my memory is good sometimes), so I started to use normal preset saving and never had this issue with that. Just to let you know.

Yeah, this is unfortunately something that we’ve run into before when saving over and over over the same preset.

You can always take the parameters from a full preset and drop them into a simple preset and you will get the same results.

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The problem is where does it start the line of those parameters so I can save them in simple preset? I never was able to find where is the simple presets to copy from. The file is too big😅

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Look near the bottom, they should be after the texture parameters.

They should be the last section of the file

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One of my guides explains this in detail. How to convert a full preset into a simple


Where can I find this guide? Thanks.

It is bundled in a “guides” folder with my pack or on my GitHub, or on my GitHub pages site.

“” is the guide in my pack. “Community Derived Params” is the name of the guide in the “Guides” section of my GitHub pages site. Links are in the first post of my thread.


Hi @HyperspaceMadness

I need some help regarding the aspect ratio.

I have been playing around with the option and a bit confused where exactly I can set up a custom aspect ratio (8:7).

Is it done within the core or within the shader?

I did notice Aspect ratio section within the shaders but not sure how to properly use it (setting up 8:7).

If needed, I am playing around with NES Mesen core and trying to ache the perfect circle on the magnifying glass

Default shader config is:

#reference ":/shaders/Mega_Bezel_Packs/Duimon-Mega-Bezel/Presets/Standard/Nintendo_Famicom/Famicom-[STD]-[Guest]-[Bezel].slangp"
HSM_ANTI_FLICKER_ON = "1.000000"
glow = "0.000000"

Thank you in advance