We need to take care to diferrentiate between an “Overlay” and a “Shader”. (The Mega Bezel is a Border Shader.)
It is easy to confuse the two since the end result is similar.
Using other standalone “Shaders” with a Mega Bezel pack isn’t possible.
Using other “non-border” shaders with an overlay is one of the original ideas behind overlays.
I have an overlay repo that mirrors my Mega Bezel pack’s graphics here. (In the “logo”
Here is an example overlay.
I also have a guide here that includes methods to accurately define overlay coordinates.
The coordinates are not the main focus of the guide, so you’ll have to read through some of it to find the info.
FYI, the README.md for the repo gives coordinates but they are outdated and refer to a much older set of overlays. (I will update it eventually.
The guide also has instructions for creating an overlay *.cfg and setting up one or two “curvature” shaders.