Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

This is interesting. I’ve used this extensively whenever I wanted to adjust the screen size when in integer scale mode. It also works well when you want to adapt the viewport to fit different display resolutions.

Is it no longer useful or redundant? Also could there be a name change instead if it’s still actually useful but just has counterintuitive naming currently?

It looks like you are using one of those older overlay images that has the bezel included in the image. You either have to photoshop the image to remove it (hard way) or change the bezel settings to hide the megabezel generated bezel (easy in settings but then what’s the point of using megabezel)… or… you can download some megabezel friendly overlays (that’s what I’d do).

edit Oh wait… you could also probably set the layer priorities in the megabezel settings so that the overlay is a layer behind the bezel and then position the megebezel generated bezel over the bezel image in the overlay. That’s kind of a wanky, hacky solution, but wouldn’t be too hard.


That looks like an overlay + the bezel, so you have two options:

  1. Resize the horizontal scaling/positioning of the overlay to meet the bezel borders.

  2. Rescale the bezel to meet the overlay borders.

The added problem, here, you have, is that overlay “bezel” is artwork, so you’ll likely need to do some photoshop/ editing to remove that fake bezel, leaving only the cabinet artwork.


What about this. I make a new overlay image in photoshop so that it fits over the megabezel? I can just use some of the many example png images included in duimon’s and cyberlabs bezelpack to use as a template. I want to get the most screen real estate for my game. I don’t like bezels that are too small and don’t make use of the available screen real estate. I like to see as much of my game as possible.

The bezels in the screenshot I provided is from the bezel project. They are set to automatically download whenever I import a ROM in Launchbox. What I don’t like about those overlays is that they include the bezel as well in the overlay. I want to be able to keep the overlay, but remove that ugly bezel and use the one from megabezel instead.

Would the best way to do this is how I described above?

How can I use these megabezels with my own overlays? For example, I made a custom overlay in photoshop that I would like to use. How can I incorporate that with these beautiful bezels with reflections? Also how can I set the overlay to use a particular bezel preset such as MBZ_1_xxxxxxx.slangp, etc. I want to be able to set it per game and per core to use its own unique preset.

I have a set of presets that are designed to use The Bezel Project resources.

The repo can be found here.

Installation instructions are on GitHub in the form of a displayed which is installed along with the presets.

It can be read offline using this viewer.

Here is a shot of 1944 using the MAME preset.


Thank you so much! That is exactly what I’m looking for! Wow. Perfect!

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You are welcome. I’m sorry it took me 2 days to respond.

Just make sure to follow the installation instructions very closely so you don’t break your settings. :grin:

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Will do! One more question. Do you know if we can mix and match overlays from one pack with shader presets from another?

For example. I would like to use your NES overlays but with some of the default shaders that come with Retroarch, such as the CRT ones, etc. If this is possible, how can I do this?

Just fyi, I posted this pdf on the LaunchBox forums that show how to remove the TV surround from the Project bezels.


If you look at the preset in a .txt editor, at the bottom (usually) it will show the path to the image. You can just change the path to a different image. In the megabezel settings there are a boatload of adjustments you can do to the images. You will probably be making your own bezel set before you know it.


We need to take care to diferrentiate between an “Overlay” and a “Shader”. (The Mega Bezel is a Border Shader.)

It is easy to confuse the two since the end result is similar.

Using other standalone “Shaders” with a Mega Bezel pack isn’t possible.

Using other “non-border” shaders with an overlay is one of the original ideas behind overlays.

I have an overlay repo that mirrors my Mega Bezel pack’s graphics here. (In the “logo” folder.)

Here is an example overlay.

I also have a guide here that includes methods to accurately define overlay coordinates.

The coordinates are not the main focus of the guide, so you’ll have to read through some of it to find the info.

FYI, the for the repo gives coordinates but they are outdated and refer to a much older set of overlays. (I will update it eventually. :innocent:)

The guide also has instructions for creating an overlay *.cfg and setting up one or two “curvature” shaders.


I hadn’t seen this before. I’ve been testing and it only works on retroarch version 1.19.1, for some reason it doesn’t work on the latest version 1.20.0, nor on nightly. If anyone else can confirm this.

The same thing happens to me with some Uborder presets.

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There is a bug with the $CORE$ wildcard. Hopefully it will be resolved soon.

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I’m new to Mega Bezel. I think I got the shaders and presets all installed correctly… small question: under the “glass” area of the bezel/border, is this a reflection or is the actual playable area of the game under the bezel?

I just played with a couple of presets for fun and to become familiar and some of my game seems to be “under”. Have I set something up wrong or is this default. Can I fix?

Awesome work! Thanks. This idea of using custom overalys next to Mega Bezel is what I’m going for, I think. I just want to make sure I’ve got the basics working correctly before I go off the beaten path,

It is a reflection. Automatic scaling should absolutely guarantee that all the game screen is within the bezel.

Which exact presets are you trying? There is a small chance that one is using shader cropping settings.

Can you post a screenshot of one you are concerned about? (Press “F8” during play. File will be saved in “Retroarch/screenshots”)

Edit: My bezel project presets should not use cropping. Make sure you have overlays disabled.

So, I experimented more… the presets that come with Mega Bezel seem to work fine. With my original post, I think I was using a CyberLab preset. I will look into this further.

Sorry! Again, this my first attempt at using a “bezel” shader… amazing work!

General question: I’ve been looking for a way to “zoom” the bezel to keep the aspect ratio but increase the size of the play area. I will keep exploring and reading guides and forums but a hint about applicable parameters and how to apply would be appreciated. For example, in the attached image, I want to try “zooming” to put the red lines on the physical edge of my monitor.

You want to use the viewport zoom option. It’s near the beginning of the shader parameters list.

If you wish to change the size of the screen you can use the Integer Scale Offset or Non-Integer Scale %.

Once Bezel Independent Scaling is not enabled the Bezel will scale in proportion.

If it is, then there’s another Scale % for the Bezel.

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Yes… listen to Cyber… I misunderstood what you were trying to do. Sorry about that.