now, you know what i want for my birthday
Hey @HyperspaceMadness, any sense yet of when CRT-Geom-Deluxe will be implemented? Love what you guys are doing, thanks!
Hi there @OKSoda and thanks!,
I’m actually not sure if I’m going to do CRT-Geom-Deluxe. I started doing CRT-Geom-Deluxe, but hit a bump and didn’t finish it. At this point I’m a bit wary of adding more CRT shaders since it seems like Guest-Dr-Venom-ADV does almost everything the others can do.
What is it you like about CRT-Geom-Deluxe?
Is anyone else interested in CRT-GeomDeluxe? If so please like this post.
Maybe it’s time for another survey?
I feel the way you do about Guest-Dr-Venom-ADV covering all the bases.
There was talk about using CRT-Geom curvature so that the 3D curvature wasn’t so performance heavy.
It was the phosphor persistence/decay wasn’t it
(Been my issue when trying to add or remove practically anything in it’s chain)
CRTs geoms curvature would be cool, might be interesting to do three tiers of curvature imho (use the standard warp curvature for fast bois, geom for medium, and royale for heavy bois) feature creep be real so idk tbh
Also, is it possible to use glass preset with NewPixie?
Right now I don’t think there’s a preset for it, although there is the Newpixie clone that we could easily make a glass preset for. You could even try it yourself by taking the Newpixie-Clone_Smoothed_Rolling-Scanlines__STD__GDV.slangp and changing the reference in it to look at MBZ__2__GLASS__GDV.slangp instead of MBZ__1__ADV__GDV.slangp
Yeah my plan was to try to replace all 3D curvature with CRT Geom’s, but we’ll see what’s possible, I want to make sure we can keep the cylindrical curvature option.
If we get rid of the Royale curvature this removes a whole big file which is currently being compiled multiple times in different passes.
Iirc you can do some altercations to the standard warp code to get a cylindrical curvature, but you lose tilt so dunno.
The reason I was asking for CRT-GEOM-DELUXE wasn’t actually for the curvature believe it or not. I, for whatever reason, just think the stock settings of it make it look the closest to how I remember gaming on CRTs all those years ago.
Hey @Nesguy do you think it’s possible to use the guest parameters to make it look like CRT Geom Advanced?
I think so, with enough tweaking. It’s not like the defaults with geom are ideal, though. I only spent about 5 minutes on this. Personally, I don’t think there’s a good reason to use Geom-DX anymore (may it rest in peace). GDVA+custom-fast-sharpen looks better and is more versatile.
There are a lot of sentiments regarding the great cgwg’s and other contributors work though. As i recall crt-cgwg/geom was the first classic crt shader back in 2010 which started a good era of crt shading.
It would be a shame though if more complex shaders wouldn’t get developed and the excellent RA shading /bezel framework put to a good use.
As irony would want it, my latest shader package is about 640KB in size.
Crt-Geom seems to have some kind of GTU or bloom/blending effect. Black levels seem to be raised too compared to Guest.
The above shot is a tweaked GDV which I consider to be close enough for demonstration purposes. I’m sure with additional tweaking you can get even closer to the default output of geom, if that’s the goal (as configured, I think it’s like geom, but better).
GTU’s filtering method is very ugly., though (IMO!). I’ve never been a fan. It had its uses in the past, but I don’t know why I’d use it now.
Essentially the scripts let you set up a “thebezelproject” overlay as a background in a Mega Bezel preset. Then, with this preset as a base, it generates a preset for every overlay in a folder, using the name of the overlay graphic as the name of the preset.
You end up with a folder full of Game presets you can copy to your config folder.
This should still work with the simple preset feature as all it does is look for the Background = tag.
Along the way, the scripts crop a sample of the overlay and do an analysis on it, generating a list of the most common colors. I have it set to use the 2nd to the least most common color as the color of the bezel. So you get some variety.
Here are some end results from march 2020 in this thread.
Not sure something like this has been posted but I thought I’d share how cool HSM looks when used for playing back 1980s video content! To get a decent effect I had to re-encode the video with a vertical resolution of 240 and left the horizontal resolution at 1270. If you keep the 4:3 aspect locked it will look too pixilated at the horizontal doesn’t have the scanlines to hide it. Not sure if there’s a better way of doing this but it looks amazing in motion. I used the Royale simulated preset.
Hmm, for this I would try out one of the DeRez presets, this way you wouldn’t need to rescale the video.
I think there’s a 640x480 DREZ preset and this will rescale the incoming video to this resolution at the start of the shader chain.
Are you saying that the image posted here is too pixellated? It seems pretty smooth to me, and I do see some scanlines,
I’m not sure I see the problem yet…
Hey bud. No it’s all good. Wasn’t suggesting there was a problem at all, I think the image looks great! Just thought I’d share my findings of using your shader for old eighties videos.
I’ll check out DREZ though if it saves me re-encoding! I think it needs to be 240 to get a good effect though. The original video was 480 and you couldn’t really see the scanlines.
Yeah that’s great then, Thanks for sharing !
I do enjoy the look of it with the CRT filter and reflections :).
Also I wanted to mention if you hadn’t seen it (because there are so, so many parameters) there is a sharpen which can be used as well if it feels too blurry.