Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

The runs beyond 2000 with the STD preset loaded?

I’ll update it to ask to use mesen


True, at least CPU and GPU would probably be good enough, and maybe even using stock RA settings, as there are some tweaks the user change that can affect performance.

Yes, with the MBZ__3__STD.slangp preset, no other setting changed from its stock config. Keep in mind my PC is at the low tier range as of today, basically an i7-2600 and a GTX-1660ti.


True, just tried mesen and it goes ~250 fps. i5-6400 - GTX 960


I tried running it on my Android, and it either keeps freezing/crashing, or it runs so unbelievably slow that I almost forgot my CPU is a Snapdragon 865.

Maybe it’s because my device prefers GL over Vulkan usually.


You may be able to run MBZ__5__POTATO__GDV-MINI.slangp so maybe you can start there and try to work your way up?


So far, the “Potato” presets are the only ones to run at all, with the exception of a couple of “Glass” presets amongst the higher ones which run very slowly.


Well it is a phone after all. Thank God for small mercies.

This is great news that we can actually have the Bezel and these presets running on such relatively low performance and power devices albeit at the cost of reflections.

I think that’s a frontier I might like to tackle next with my preset pack.


As for the mario test, I got ~250 fps with Mesen and Runahead @ 1, rewind enabled, Vulkan, HDR, 4K, on a GTX 980 and 5900x


I don’t know if you know @HyperspaceMadness, but there is a possible bug where the Frame Noise Setting doesn’t work. If Frame Independent Color is set than Bezel Noise setting is still applied to the Frame.


Thanks for letting me know, I’ll check it out


I did the FFWD test with Mesen + Super Mario and got 29 fps using 750Ti and i3 9100f :frowning:

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What did you use to count your fps?

WOW, this project runs so fast that it’s quite difficult for people that take long breaks from the forum to keep up the pace.

I get that now the MegaBezel has been promoted to the main RetroArch repository. Does this mean that we can just update shaders from the Retroarch’s current release to get all the stuff or do we need a nightly release? And what about all the art/bezel compilations? Do they also come through Retroarch’s online update features or do they still have to be added manually?

I think that this forum post is getting too tight for the project. It needs a dedicated home with walkthroughs and tutorials for easy installation and basic configuration.


Hmmmm. :thinking: What an interesting idea.


I agree with you, I’m having a hard time following too. I wonder what is included in the update and what is not.


Heh, is coming :wink:

Yes, you do not need the nightly release

These still need to be done separately, they are quite large and also focused on only a subset of retroarch users.


Great to hear this!

This, too!

Quite reasonable, I’ll then wait for where I hope I’ll find installation guides and maybe some descriptions/comparisons between all the different compilations :wink:


Why wait though? What’s confusing you? It’s really not that hard to install and update. You can still use the old method of installation and updating.

When I have to update my HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader and CyberLab Mega Bezel Death To Pixels Shader Preset Pack manually from the download it usually takes about 1 to 2 mins max.

How hard can that be and we are here to teach and help.

Also, guess what, if you’re satisfied with the way things look you can stick with that combination that’s working well for you. There’s no need to always be on the bleeding edge or feel like you’ve missed out on anything.

I know almost everyone likes polish and ease of use because we’re accustomed to that nowadays but to me it’s a very small cost and learning curve to just download, open, copy, paste and enjoy!

So don’t be discouraged, let us know which aspect of installation is causing you some apprehension. I know this particular one is a bit different as the project has actually reached a milestone! Mega Bezel is now officially a part of RetroArch and has also reached version 1!

The other big change is that the Mega_Bezel_Community folder has been renamed to the Mega_Bezel_Community_Collections folder.

So I can understand the possible anxiety but rest assured big changes like that don’t happen everyday.

We’re here to help, but if you want to wait, that’s completely fine too!

What are the different compilations you’re referring to by the way? If you look in the first post of each and every Community Project that uses HSM Mega Bezel Reflection Shader, I’m sure you’ll see descriptions of what each one does. You might even see examples and videos.

Feel free to elaborate.


Rivatuner + Afterburner

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Hello and thank you for this message!! It’s true that ease and simplicity are things that many people are looking for :upside_down_face: I sometimes it’s hopeless I admit it To return to the subject it is true that it is not so difficult. When you see the work provided by the community, we are not going to complain about only recovering the work already done copy, paste, or even the automatic method with Gui gui here from duimon are effective and very easy. On the other hand, the small changes of the moment Raises some question about the reorganization I will take two screenshots for you and you will tell me if I understood everything correctly. Sorry for the translation from my French

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