Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

I’m almost 100% sure that that’s not beyond what shaders can do and I think there are folks on these forums who have already done stuff like that.

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Hmm, I didn’t see this with warrior blade before, could you post a screenshot?

Also which core are you using?

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This is an unfinished preset setup, but you can see the line. I use MAME (current).

The technical reason is because of of reusing one file for both versions

Yes, you already mentioned this

Same technical reason of being able to reuse a file with almost the same code instead of having multiple copies of it which need to be maintained/updated whenever guest updates

Yes the whole point of the mega bezel is to have a consistent set of base features which work with multiple crt shaders, so it’s important that the scanline direction multipliers work

It’s important for the same reason as above

Yes this is planned to do, it is just not done yet, your repeated requests about this are making it feel overwhelming

please be patient


Just use the dual screen parameters (You will need to disable curvature.) and adjust the “Position Offset Between Screens”.

You can also change the aspect ratio, but I think this is the way it was meant to look.


I can’t seem to get it to align properly with the dual screen setting. When I get them close enough to remove the black line, the screens seem to overlap. I haven’t used the dual screen too much, so I am probably not understanding how it all works together.

Yep, that’s what you want. It will not work with curvature.

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No problem, I don’t use curvature. I think I have it now. It seems like a had to use just a bit of cropping with the other parameter to keep them lined up properly. Is there any way to size both screens together once you have them lined up? The scaling parameter seems to only do the first screen now.

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No, scaling will take some patience.

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My apologies, I was only trying to assist by sharing what was on my mind and what I noticed today to add to what I had previously reported. It was not my intention to add to any pressure. I know you have a very long To Do list. I’ll try my best to not let it happen again.

Understood. I’m working on it now. I notice that the color on the 2nd screen is slightly different so that there is always a bit of a “shadow” where the screens meet. Is that caused by the vignette on the two screens maybe?

Once you get used to the “follow layers” feature it’s hard to go back to moving all the pieces individually. :grin:

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MB ADV Smooth causes the audio to slow down and crackle. MB ADV Smooth Glass works just fine, while also providing reflections. I can’t discern why ADV Smooth by itself would have a problem like this uniquely. How would I go about fixing this, if anyone has any ideas?

That is usually a sign of the PC struggling to provide enough horsepower, the ADV Smooth is the most resource intensive of the base presets. I’m also not sure why the glass would perform better.

What are your PC specs?

There is a good reason HSM has a multi tiered set of base presets… you can always use the STD base.



how can I apply Guest’s MagicGlow? Which MegaBezel file should I ammend?

Thank you

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First you’ll need to make sure you have updated your shader to a recent version. Then… open the shader parameter dialog and press up to get to the end of the parameter list. Scroll up until you see the glow section.

The first parameter in the section selects magic glow, or traditional glow.

It should be available in any base preset that uses Guest Advance. (i.e. any that have “GDV” in the name.)


Intel Core i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz with Intel HD Graphics 630. The thing is, the Smooth presets in particular are absolutely perfect for games with pre-rendered graphics, like the Donkey Kong Country series, and there doesn’t seem to be a Smooth STD variant. I was hoping to play without reflections, but I don’t actually mind them too badly if I have no other choice, but it’s just really strange to me that my PC can run the preset with reflections when the one without them is somehow causing it to struggle.

Thank you Duimon. I do find it but even if you change it, it does not hold the change. I am using MegBezel through your Presets and I want all to have the MagicGlow feature everywhere and preferable not going through each one of my platforms Thank you

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Yeah, I can understand why it would seem strange, the reason is because the image layers add additional cost.

It might be worth seeing if there was some hybrid approach for a preset tier which does not have fancy image layering stuff but still has bezel, background & reflection.


HSM, if a person is running an ADV preset but wants a quick performance boost, are there 1 or 2 parameters that can be changed that would give the most bang for the buck?

I’m not sure there are any parameters which would give a booze except perhaps turning off reflection, or turning down the reflection noise samples

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