Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates


Hey guys. Amazing progress has been made since the last time I checked in. Great job!

I’m having an issue running Mega Bezel with the Dreamcast emulator Flycast. For some reason the bezel isn’t fully fitting the screen. There is this small gap on the top and bottom. When I use the shader with other emulators it does fullly filll the screen. I may be overlooking a minor detail. I’m using an old version of Mega Bezel that is compatible with CRT Royale. Any help is greatly appreciated!

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The shader is core agnostic. Here is a shot using the image viewer core.

There is, and has always been, some space on the top and bottom. You can use the “Non-integer Scale %” parameter to increase the scale if you like.

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Just seen your screenshots looks amazing! I’m going to post Pictures of the same game in my CRT with iso 100. It’s real hardware, then I will post the same game on mega bezel. Has you can see on sega saturn scanlines are less pronunciated than Dreamcast.

Real sega Saturn Pics:


@hunterk Would you mind moving the last 10 posts or so to the shader show-off thread? Starting to stray a bit. :smile:

And here is my Mega Beze setting:

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Thanks for explaining. It seems like I adjusted this value in the past and saved it as a core setting for the previous core I was using, which lead me to believe it was a default behavior.

Yeah, I was thinking originally 600 TVL, the Commodore manual stating it’s “600 lines center”. But the dot pitch is 041mm. So it’s really more like 450 TVL, low end VGA monitors shouldn’t have much more either. They just can display 640x480 total.

@Retrogames4k, it looks like you are running it in 50 Hz though?


Yes, it’s a pal console. Dreamcast can run in 60hz

This image is a close up mega bezel… Astal (USA) (1S)-230312-231042

and this one real

Looks very similar eh! :grin:


Ah yes, explains difference between Dreamcast and Saturn scanlines.


The Dreamcast scanlines looks like this on the same CRT, and it’s real hardware too, but this is in 60hz.

Oh my how beautiful it is! But is there a way to recreate it the same with GDV Advance?

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That’s pretty much what I just did, lol.

I think I’ve made everything as bright as possible without introducing any clipping. Some may want to increase the brightness a bit and find the clipping to be an acceptable trade-off, but I always think clipping looks worse than lower brightness. To brighten the image further, you can tweak the bright boosts, post-brightness, and/or bloom settings. You can also try reducing the mask and slotmask strengths.

You can find the presets here:


I’ve taken some photos with the camera to my CRT and LCD, so you can compare… Which is which? :sweat_smile:


The second one feels more polished to me so i’d say that is crt

though the vertical scanlines maybe

The second has a very consistent look…which means it’s not the CRT :grin:


Yeh on the phone it feels actually that. Actually the vertical scanlines in the second image makes me think of that is the shader one on lcd, although very impressive.

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I’m 100% certain that the first pic is the CRT and the second pic is the LCD.

That in no way takes away from how close the images are for all intents and purposes.

This is why I get so excited about @RetroGames4K’s presets. Finally, I can retire and just go back to enjoying playing games.

This is also a testament to how far the tools which make all of this possible have come. So kudos to all shader creators and developers! You’all have my utmost gratitude and appreciation for your hard work, dedication and most valuable contributions!

Cheers! Salut! :clinking_glasses:


If I can do it with GDV then you can do it with the advanced too. Just use mask 7 and slot mask size 2 and strength 0.5 or so

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