Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

It does not, both lcd_grid and lcd_grid_v2 give the expected result when enabling BGR.

I tried enabling interger scaling in Mega Bezel but it had no effect. It’s the setting that says “integer scaling: off, short axis, both” right?


Yeah that’s the one, I wasn’t expecting it to affect the BGR, it’s just the best way not to get artifacts with LCD-GRID

Ok, that’s good to know, now I know it’s something to do with my integration of it.


On an unrelated note, I tried SGENPT for de-dithering. It looks good, but I’ve also noticed some extra artefacts. Are they expected?


This black pixel keeps blinking in the waterfall, too

image image

Edit: I’m also wondering if you want de-dithering enabled on everything or only for specific consoles :thinking:


I think the standalone does the same thing. It seems the subpixels shift to the right when RBG is changed to BGR. so they are BGR but you are missing the subpixel on the right in your shot.

When it comes to a single subpixel width I’m not sure we can say anything is broken. But it seems weird.

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Here’s a capture of lcd_grid_v2 on the same picture as above. As you can see it is BGR. I suppose there could be a subpixel approximation error when I’m using mega bezel, but integer scaling should prevent that, shouldn’t it?

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Some experiments with the overscan and tube effects and Duimon’s great preset and graphics:

I have a soft spot for this one because we the Mac 128K when I was growing up


That looks great. I used to play a bunch of Mac 128 games when I was a kid… actually some of the first games I played maybe… Enchanted Scepters, Deja Vu, Ultima 3, etc… Are you using MiniVMac there?


Heh, I don’t have it set up so this is just the image viewer with a pre-existing image, but I’d like to be able to get it set up again to be able to play Shadowgate and Dark Castle 1&2 sometime.


Shadowgate is a good one. I really like the world builder games like Enchanted Scepters. I got them set up in MiniVMac… once you make the hard drive it’s super easy to use. I use the standalone though because the core version has a lot of problems. It’s one of the standalones I have been wanting to get working in WindowCast.


Ah, so you want to go visit this guy?

This also seems familiar:


I just noticed that there seems to be a game in Arcade that splits left and right in one screen.In this case, what kind of arrangement or preset is the best? dual screen?

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How can I change the perspective like that? I only see one preset and it is much more zoomed in! Would love to see the entire psp like that

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That’s some serious nostalgia. A friend of mine had one of those, way back in the day, and I remember the external hard drive being so loud and chirpy.

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@HyperspaceMadness this one is for you my man.

I love that this channel constantly shows love to RetroArch/Libretro and the members here.


Awesome to finally put a voice to the avatar :beers:


Thanks for sharing this, I love the channel guy’s voice and an interview with one of my favorite shaders creator is a cherry on the cake.


Oh yeah most definitely. I knew this guy’s channel would eventually get bigger in time, now his channel is becoming one of the “go-to” channels for RetroArch related stuff. He makes the content and in return we get more traffic directed our way and it’s a all around beautiful thing.


:100: I do like how clear and concise things are explained, and the vibe is very relaxed/relaxing 10/10 a thumbs up from me :+1:


Hey guys. I am using the Duimon-Mega-Bezel pack and I keep getting a load failure error when trying to load any of the Atari Lynx presets (Advanced, Standard or Lite). All of the other shader presets seem to be working great. I may to change some settings on my end. Would appreciate any help. Here is what the log says:

[WARN] [Shaders]: Could not load root preset for #reference entry: “C:\Users\19494\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\res\scale\Atari_Lynx$CORE-REQ-ROT$.params”. [ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to create preset: “C:\Users\19494\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Lite\Atari_Lynx\Lynx-[STD]-[LCD-GRID].slangp”. [ERROR] [Vulkan]: Failed to create filter chain: “C:\Users\19494\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\shaders\Mega_Bezel_Packs\Duimon-Mega-Bezel\Presets\Lite\Atari_Lynx\Lynx-[STD]-[LCD-GRID].slangp”. Falling back to stock. [ERROR] [Config]: Failed saving config to “C:\Users\19494\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\retroarch.cfg”.

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Welcome to the forum!

Thanks for posting here, it is much easier to provide support here than on YouTube. :grin:

I think it is likely you are using a version of Retroarch older that 1.15.0.

The Lynx presets use the newer Retroarch wildcard feature to provide automatic rotation.

Are you able to load the “Lynx_Alt” presets?

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