Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates


I read the instructions, but they don’t seem easy to understand. Honestly, I don’t know how this can be used. I think there is a lack of more details for the layman!

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Tried it and it just crashes. I did manage to get it to load a game, but only when running it from the game root folder. In the latter case it still managed to hang Retroarch.

The idea is sound but it seems like it may require some environment setting provided by the front-end.

I haven’t tried it with Launchbox yet.

I think it needs a bit more work.

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It would be great if something like that could be added directly in Windowcast.

I’d be interested in learning/understanding more about why this issue is occurring for you.

I fully disclose that I’m not really a developer and don’t expect this to work out of the gate very well, but so far I haven’t had a single game or emulator not work, and not a single crash, having tested now with multiple games over 5 emulators, and about 10 games.

If you run it directly from cmd/PowerShell does the console give any indication of the error being received?

As for RetroArch I can’t think of anything special in my configuration. I have threaded video off by default, I could see that setting potentially being funky but would have to test it myself.

Any information you can give would help a lot in narrowing down any issues ^^

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Has every test you’ve done been using the Pegasus frontend?

If my command line isn’t launched within the folder of the emulator or game executable all I get are errors from either the emulator or game.

“The content file was not found.”

“Failed to open package file.”

Both of these errors imply that the emulator or game process is being launched outside it’s folder.

If I do launch the command line from within the EXE folder, the game or emulator launches but Retroarch hangs.

I am assuming the front end you are using is actually defining what path the “--emulator” process is started from, so a raw command line doesn’t work.

I am also assuming a similar environment is lacking for launching Retroarch, so it hangs.

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@HyperspaceMadness why is orionsangels overlays in the megabezel list when it is made for mame & it is only a overlay

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Note >>> He has been using the Mega Bezel for some of his recent work


Haven’t been at home for the last couple days so wasn’t able to get to this yet.

I’ve tested it both within Pegasus-frontend, and straight from PowerShell and Command Prompt. It should be loading any exe you point --emulator to it from the location the exe resides, but I’ll have a dig around and see what I can and can’t figure out.

I did have an issue with pathing when I first “compiled” the exe from the python script and had to quickly change a line of code, which may be the offender.

I’ll also set up LaunchBox and see if I can’t get some instructions included on how to run it in LaunchBox.

Detecting games launched from within Steam UI is on the radar as well, but I personally don’t use steam, I purchase things for it then immediately obtain a copy independent of the steam platform cos I feel that’s my right, so it wasn’t a priority in terms of getting something going I could slap into my frontend and have working.

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Give that a go

I did in fact find an issue relating to paths, hopefully that sorts it out.


@HyperspaceMadness any plans for a new Release in the near future? Thanx!


Yes! I have been working away at the next step in the Mega Bezel evolution with the room bouncelight and generated shadows :grin:.

I’m not sure when the release will be, as I’m still in the experimental phase, but should be within the next number of months.


the next BIG step i would say :wink:


Hi, I’m a bit new to retroarch, I’ve been trying to make some overlays and was wondering if its possible to display an image after the shader has been applied so that the reflection affects the overlay/bezel but not the artwork? (if that makes sense)

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at the moment you can get this effect with some trickery and transparency on the overlay (thats the way some of mine overlays do this) but with the lighting / shadow update it will have options (normal / bumpmaps ) with way more impact on the overlays ; at least it is in the works :slight_smile:


I’m a bit confused. The reflection is limited to the “Bezel” portion of the generated bezel, not even affecting the “Frame” portion, let alone any artwork.

Perhaps you could post one of your overlays and explain a bit more what you are looking for.

There are many image layers available in the Mega Bezel and all of them can be layered above or below the reflection/CRT screen.

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So I spent a crap ton of time when I had free time this summer to put together something “new” here. I think it’s an amazing all inclusive system for MAME setups specifically combining OrionsAngels art with the Mega Bezel reflection shader. Anyone interested in what I put together, come check it out!

@HyperspaceMadness - a huge thanks to you for all the help in both thread replies and private messages as well. Your multigame config is an awesome solution that really works out great with how I put it together.

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Some progress on the room bounce lighting feature

These feature 3d elements from @blattacker who I want to give a big thank you to for supporting me in providing these great 3D renders to work with!

Here’s what his full 3D render looks like:


Mega Bezel Preset with black game image:

White game Image

Another Game image Preset_Texture_Full_Lighting_With_Shadow|690x388

Only Bounce Lighting

Untextured Lighting

Untextured Only Bounce Light

Untextured Only Bounce Light, increased brightness

Untextured Only Bounce Light, Increased Normals Strength

Untextured Only spot Lighting

Untextured, spot lighting with shadow

Untextured, spot lighting with shadow and Bounce

Height Shadows, still needs some more work

Normal Map from @blattacker

Depth/Height Map from @blattacker


This is getting amazing!

By the way, what a beautiful shelf in the image!! :star_struck: :star_struck:


Since this new lighting stuff will still be a while, could we get a smaller update with just the new guest advanced features in the meantime? Some real nice stuff in there I’d like to be able to use.


Absolutely next level!!! Amazing @HyperspaceMadness

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