Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Main Menu -> Show Desktop Menu -> View -> Shaders is also viable, it also allows to change shader parameters from a separate window while watching the correct image.

Otherwise, RA won’t load altered presets unless you do some actions like toggling fullscreen etc.


“Main Menu -> Show Desktop Menu -> View -> Shaders is also viable, it also allows to change shader parameters from a separate window while watching the correct image.”

That’s exactly what I was hoping to achieve, thank you. I am guessing that I will have to do this in my Windows Retroarch installation, so is there any alterations I need to make to the shader file to make it useable via my Batocera RA?

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Cheers. I wasn’t sure if the “parameters” were a separate file or not.

Beautiful frame and overlay.

Since I upgraded retroarch to 1.17,games load with resolution info and can’t be played, when going to show resolution in the shader parameters and turn it from 0 to 1, the text turns yellow instead of white but it still remains there. Any ideas? Already tried with 1.16 again but same result.

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Delete the \shaders\shaders_slang\bezel\Mega_Bezel folder and update your slang shaders.

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I found the root cause as you made me realise that the default shader presets work correctly, I had created custom shader presets with custom screen size, luminosity, reflection intensity, and bezels etc… it doesn’t work anymore with my main crt and 3ds presets but still works on all other handhelds presets for some reason, I tried to reinstall previous versions of megabezel but still can’t make it work, I guess I’ll take the time to recreate them. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction in any case! And your work is amazing.


This is probably because you had saved full presets (which include all the passes) instead of a Simple Preset (Which has a reference path to the original preset, and only parameter changes).

You will definitely want to use simple presets, because it’s what ensures they will load properly in the future.


Im looking a fix for this issue,Just using a shaders no overlays.

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Can you please be more specific and also provide some needed info.

Is that black oval over the screen something you added in post or is it the issue?

If the latter is the case what version of RetroArch are you using?

What version of the shader? What preset? (Is it one of mine or another using my graphics?)

What GPU do you have?

Are you using Vulkan or glcore video driver?

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Those black ‘oval’ stroke is my issue and i just want to get rid of it. Using your duimon mega bezel v1.1.5.2. Preset is Playstation Alt STD Guest Custom Bezel 002. GPU Nvidia 960m / Running With Vulkan As I’ve Seen In The Instructions. Retroarch version 1.17.0. Trying with other platform also same issue.I don’t know what could be wrong.

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That is very odd. :astonished:

Did you add the Mega Bezel to an existing, mature installation of RetroArch, or is it a fresh install?

Also… you neglected to mention the version of the Mega Bezel. (Which is separate from my preset pack.)

The version number will be at the top of the parameter list.

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Fresh install,But it works fine when i test with ‘koko aio’.No idea what happen.Uninstall and reinstall retroarch also same issue

Koko and the Mega Bezel are two completely different projects, so that is no surprise.

In your other thread it looked like you were trying to use an overlay on top of the Mega Bezel. Is this install fresh since that attempt?

Yes,I did not touch anything for the shaders only overlays.Nevermind,I gave up anyways…This shaders giving me an headache for two days because i like the design,That is why i wanna use it.Thank you for the help.I’ll disable the shaders/overlays.

Sad, rest if you must but don’t quit…

Do what you feel you must, but the reason I ask is I am concerned that there is still an overlay causing the issue.

If I am wrong then it could be shader or hardware related and running down the bug would be good for the community.

Since I can’t reproduce the issue you are the only one that can help solve it. Giving up now does no good for anyone.

The Mega Bezel was designed to be easier to set up than overlays and the preset packs do all the real work.

If you change your mind and want to give it another go we will be here waiting. :grin:


Ok so i’ll try to give a shot ONE more time,First thing first.The image show the shaders folder location,Is this correct?And the other one is Retroarch/Shaders/Shaders_Slang/Bezel/Mega_Bezel correct?

These images above is the ‘settings’ that i follow in the instructions.Correct? P/S: Sorry @Duimon,I wrongly info you with false GPU,My bad.Its GTX980M…Sorry for the confusion. 🫡😅

Then i’ll give a try on koko shaders,It works with no stroke oval whatsoever…Dunno what is wrong.The reason that i use @duimon shaders is because it looks cool with some graphical layers that fill the screen with many style but too bad.Maybe my pc wasn’t good enough to give a go.