Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Maybe. The mobile GPU might be an issue. Have you tried using the glcore video driver?

On a side note, I have plans to create a complete set of koko-aio presets using my graphics… when I can make the time. kokoko has helped with the R & D so I can get started whenever the time materializes.

The oval is weird and noone else has reported an issue… I wish I had hands on your PC to troubleshoot.

Are you using the newest NVIDIA driver?


Yes,Have it the latest driver installed and will try the glcore later.Hope it will work…Besides,Is there any extra setting to use with glcore?

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No. You can try turning off or reducing the opacity of various screen related effects but my presets intentionally pretty plain Jane with a few exceptions.

You just never know until you start messing with parameters. Even an unintentional negative inner bezel corner radius can do strange things.

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Yep,Im not touching anything in ‘parameters’ because there is so many things that i don’t understand.So i just leave that untouched?

You can freely play around with anything, the settings won’t be saved unless you manually save a preset.

There are a lot of parameters. The in the Mega Bezel folder explains most of the parameters and can be viewed on GitHub or with the Markdown Viewer linked to in my thread.

I might start by lowering the opacity of one image layer at a time to see if it has any effect.

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Well I’ll Be Damn…It work with glcore.WTF? :sob::man_shrugging:


Yay!!! :partying_face:

It must have something to do with the Vulkan implementation on the mobile GPU.

Thanks for not giving up!


I was even wondering if this was occurring in other cores when using Vulkan or if it was happening in previous versions of Mega Bezel Reflection Shader for example 1.14.1.

Trying with other console also works great!! Thank You @Duimon 🫡 Damn it look so good,Makes me remembering my childhood time! Thank You So Much!


There’s something else you can try @Zayd47.

The author of the WindowCast Core suggests that nVidia users change the Vulkan/OpenGL present method to Prefer layered on DXGI Swapchain.

I’ve recently noticed that this interferes with the rendering in some Vulkan apps.

By default this now seems to be set to Auto in the nVIDIA Control Panel and I’ve noticed the same apps being affected unless I switch it to the Prefer Native setting.

By the way are you using the latest available drivers for your GPU?

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Thank You for the information and i’ll check with my driver later and keep it posted. 🫡 BTW…Whats WindowCast?

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Geez…Now i know whats the issue.My graphic card is damage which i cannot use updated nvidia drivers! Whenever i tried to update it,It keeps looping ‘Force Install’ with blinking screen. :sob: Nooooooo!!

That might be a possibility but it doesn’t necessarily mean the GPU is damaged.

Where are you getting your drivers from? Since its a laptop you might be forced to use the driver package that comes from the laptop manufacturer as opposed to nVIDIA themselves.

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Have you tried to use DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller)? That program cleans everything from previous drivers and you try to install fresh drivers afterwards. That programme solved me many times problems with performance and stuttering. Maybe can solve yours


Using from the manufacturer then updated from nvidia official,But then i try to clean install from nvidia official also same result.Did that with DDU in safe mode,And the force install keeps pops up and looping with my screen blinking/flashing.I also tried using several version but only old version works which (v472.12)

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Yes,I did that…But ain’t working.Some might say possible hardware issue :sob::sob:

These are list of drivers that i’ve tested,Still same ‘force install’ keeps popping up and the screen goes flashing.Only 472.12 works…No idea what is happening after i updating the driver.I thought my driver is already up to date,Also i have try the 3rd party software to update it,Same issue after rebooting.

P/S: I kept this driver in my external usb drive for future use.


Another issue detected regarding my ‘graphic issue’.I cannot install the intel hd driver too,When i do that,The screen goes black completely,So i guess it might be hardware related yes…?


The ‘Yellow Exclamation’ error will show next to nvidia driver every time when i update.I assume the intelHD driver should be below the nvidia driver is it?

Does the issue that you’re experiencing still occur when you use the latest laptop manufacturer GPU drivers and instal them according to their instructions?

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No but some of my apps requesting graphic update is required and that mean more headache are coming my way.

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Ah ha! So we have finally come to the root of the problem!

It seems as though your laptop uses a hybrid graphics/Optimus setup.

In a case like this it requires specialized GPU drivers in order to work correctly.

I can’t remember for certain but I think nVIDIA provided Optimus laptop GPU drivers for a while.

If you want to push the envelope and try to manually update past the officially supported driver packages then you can probably try looking into a more curated community solution.

I know one existed for the AMD/ATI/Intel/HP hybrid graphics solutions so there might also be something like that on the nVidia/Intel side.

These are important because there might be various quirks, registry tweaks and workarounds, not to mention special installation steps that may be required to get things working properly.

It’s possible that the latest and greatest non-certified drivers might have settings which specifically break functionality on such unsupported niche setups.

So in the future when trying to seek assistance in troubleshooting providing more information up front might save a lot of time.

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