Mega Bezel Reflection Shader! - Feedback and Updates

Thanks for the feedback, I’m thinking I’m going to try to go with mdapt, I’m hoping there is not much performance impact since the passes are at core res…


I like to add crtsim/composite.slang into my shader to make them a little more organic. If you crank it up, not really the best idea, you can get some of that de-dithering albeit with a messier overall image:

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I’m new at this, admittedly! I’ve been trying for hours to get these the HSM Mega Bezel shaders to work. I’ve…

– Set video output to Vulcan (and also tried glcore) – Updated shader files via Retroarch – Set aspect ratio to match screen resolution

The shaders show up in the load shader dialog, but I keep getting the error “failed to apply shader preset.” All my other “slang” shaders work.

Any ideas? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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One thing to take note of is, did you put the shaders from here in the right place?

The easiest way to place them properly is to download the zip for them, unpack it, find where it says shaders_slang in the zip, copy that folder, then move to your RetroArch folder, find the shaders folder, then paste the shader_slang from the zip into the RetroArch shaders folder, if it asks to overwrite say yes (can’t remember if it asks to overwrite or not). Then you should be good to go.

Hope this helped!

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Try it on a clean install of Retroarch at a temp location. Maybe some config or override is preventing it from working.

Edit: Are you saving your current config file and restarting Retroarch after you set your configs?


My guess is it’s in the wrong folder, try this:


Magnificent thing you made here, by the way. But I am experiencing a slight problem.

So here it is with GTU turned on. Looks good. But then I go 1 notch down and activate “composite connection enable” and bam I know the whole thing is still being added to and all that, but I just figured I’d say something because I don’t know if this red thing is expected or even if other people are experiencing it.


Yeah thanks for pointing this out. This is quite bizarre, I was working on my version a couple days ago and noticed this, but I can’t figure out what is causing it since it shows up when I use the standard GTU shader, so I’ll have to investigate what’s going on…


Probably losing the float framebuffer in the preset for some reason. That’s what usually gives things a magenta tint.


Thanks, Syh. I’ll try this and report back. Much appreciated.

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Thanks, Dulmon. I’m on a clean install. Probably the only thing I have working in my favor, being totally new to Retroarch! Appreciate your help.

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Thanks for your advice (and your beautiful shaders!), Hyperspace


Thanks for the pointer! It’s probably this, I’ll check this.

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@Syh @HyperspaceMadness @Duimon

Thanks, guys! Your advice worked. The mistake I made was putting all of Hyperspace’s shaders in their own separate folder, rather than pasting shader_slang into the RetroArch shaders folder for proper filing. Still not totally sure why this matters, but I’m happy to have them working.

These look really wonderful. I didn’t realize the reflections on bezel are dynamic. Really convincing illusion of CRT. These do an excellent job of separating the “monitor” from ArsInvictus’ arcade cabinets. Fantastic!


Great! Yeah I agree they are a nice complement to ArsInvictus’ awesome work.

An explanation about why they can’t go anywhere is because inside the presets (.slangp) are relative paths which point at different standard shaders (.slang) in the shaders_slang folder hierarchy. It’s done this way so existing shaders can be reused. The only other option is to copy everything into the package to distribute.


Super happy to have discovered this community. So many creative, helpful, responsive people involved. Very positive introduction. Thanks so much!


I’ve been playing around with the Crt-royale version of the shader and man, it is awesome. :slight_smile:

Just a question though : on Flycast, I find the settings with “TV process GTU : ON” a bit too blurry ; in my memory, my Dreamcast was not so blurry on my TV (it was plugged through RGB / Scart, it was a french model) ; what settings should I change for making it less blurry ? I’ve noticed that upping the “SIgnal Resolution Y” makes it less blurry, but I don’t know what value to put for Dreamcast.


I have some suggestions or questions about the shader.

As more I use it, more i like it.

However i cannot confiugure some games that are 2 independent screens. Is there any way to do this or is it possible to implement in the future?

I just need 2 bezels for 2 multiscreen games.

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Ah yes I thought about this a while ago. It’s not currently in the plans, but I might take a look at this in the future.

I’m not sure how difficult this would be to implement, since it means having 2 separate mapping spaces, one around each screen.

Edit: One option I thought would be worth trying would be to have one bezel with the two screens within it, then in the empty area between the screens blur between the top screen and the bottom screen , so you would get the feel of a continuous screen for games like Metroid Prime Pinball. This also wouldn’t require 2 mapping spaces which makes it easier to implement.

I’d try setting it to somewhere between 480 and 640. Somewhere near it’s horizontal resolution, which is 640. (Just depends on how sharp/blurry you want it.) 480 is probably sharp enough.

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